Friday, March 19, 2010

Socks and skittles

I have been scrolling through other blogs again lately and came across a couple that caught my attention. I am not sure why but it was probably initially because of the pictures that were posted.
The first had a pair of gradiantly striped socks hanging from a rather nasty looking clothes line. It was rusty and I think it was also holding up a bird house. The socks were colorful in a fuzzy faded way. I scrolled down into the site and found another picture of ladies feet from the ankle down in another pair of socks. These socks were a salmony color with equal fuzz to the pair hanging mournfully by the bird house. The toes covered in wool were pointed nicely on one foot.
It turns out from the bit of text it offered was that the blogger knitted her own socks and was trying to come up with interesting ways to photograph all she made. She went on to say that she was planning on doing this more in the New Year.
My thought was that it was a good idea. She certainly had captured my attention and I wondered how many other socks she would display until I realized the last post was from December last year. I immediately felt a little bad and I wondered what had happened to the New Year and the great idea of showcasing her wares. Maybe she hadn’t made anymore socks. Maybe life pulled her away and she didn’t have time to post. She sounded so upbeat and happy to have come up with the idea of photography that I wondered what had stopped her from following through with her great plan.
I scrolled through a few more blogs and came to one that had pictures of skittles. The obviously loved candy was arranged by color and had percentages of each color that was found in different bags. I am not sure exactly how many different bags the blogger had been through but there must have been at least five or more pictures that listed the percentages for each color in each bag. I don’t eat skittles. I don’t think I even like skittles but there was something about the sheer whimsy of it all that took me away. It made me wrinkle my forehead and wonder.
I wondered why I worry so much about what I write?


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