Friday, March 5, 2010

But wait

It is a beautiful morning again.  I can stand on the balcony and hear the water lapping at the edges of the pool and the waves rolling mildly from the ocean in the distance.  Who wouldn't want the sun streaming down and more quiet at this hour than you can ever experience in any city?
Calm and quiet and still.  That is a hugh part of this vacation I couldn't have done without on the few early mornings I actually had the opportunity to experience it.  It seems the calm needed to take me away the most on the first and last mornings of me being here. 
There was more activity that actually transpired when I go back and think about the things we did while we where here.  It seemed at the time we weren't doing enough.  Then it seemed we were here too long, then not long enough.
Now it is time to leave and get back to the getting.

But wait, one last cup of coffee on the balcony.


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