Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On my own

"He that was only taught by himself had a fool for his master." Ben Jonson

I came across this quote the other day. I am not a big fan of quotes. They always seem to have several meanings to me and I am never sure how the author meant them since they are always taken out of whatever context they might have originally been said.
This one nudged me in a defensive way. To me it seems I am a big fool. I know I have taught myself for the most part. I may do some research to find out how to do things but when it really comes down to it, I only have myself to rely on to get it done.
It makes me think when I read things like this that I have no business doing some of the things I do. I have no mentor, or master. I have myself.
How foolish I am Mr. Jonson! How foolish of me to take things on - all on my own for no other reason than to challenge myself and see how well I can do. Where do I think I might actually get some satisfaction from finding if I try and keep at things I find myself growing and gathering a wealth of knowledge I never would have found if I hadn't ventured off on my own. Where would I be if I never attempted the things I've done?
I know, that probably isn't at all what the quote meant. I shouldn't be so defensive.
I am not a big fan of quotes.


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