Sunday, June 28, 2015

Done, done and done

There it is! Done, done and done! 75 miles in June with 7 consecutive running days. I'm going to take the next two days off and get back to it in July. I had a total of 28 miles this week (Monday-Sunday) which put me over the top. I won't talk about the pace or the short miles or the on and on and on. I got there.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Let's go bigger

I decided to go ahead and give the expanded goal of 75 miles for the month a try. I already reached the 60 for the month I originally set out to run, and thought I'd see what I could do with the great momentum I have going.  It's a bigger, better goal but the miles seem to be accumulating quite nicely. I'm not that far off from reaching it.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A few more

After my run this morning I can officially say I've met my goal for June. The runs may have been short miles but consistency paid off and adding them all up reached it in the end.

Except, is it the end? There are five days left to this month. Should I go and try for 75 or leave that goal for July. Maybe do both. It can't hurt anything since I already met my goal this month, right? What's a few more miles.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Short miles

I've been running. Short miles, usually three. I could wish they were faster but no matter how slowly they are being run, I'm getting it done. I'm not letting up and if it takes me longer I can still get there. Three miles at a time for now.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

No misses

I was still moving along with the same goal I missed last month, even with all the excitement going on with the destruction/construction the past two weeks, It's one day past mid-month and I'm in a good spot to nail this goal down solidly. I only have less than 24 miles to go to hit 60 for the month. Unless, I fall off the face of the earth there shouldn't be any reason for me to miss it. Although, I have been known to take such a fall, but let's not dwell on that thought.

It's a good marker to be able to put up today and I've good vibrations about it all. Nothing but good vibrations.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Conversion finished!


It's done!

Bathtub conversion to shower is now officially completed. It was a rough two weeks which should have been one week but now it's all finished. I'm having a glass of wine to celebrate.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


It's exactly a week and although there has been progress, the shower tiles are still not completed. Promises, promises, broken, and then broken again. That's the way these construction jobs go, I know. Soon enough we will have a working shower instead of an ugly tub. We will have a new toilet and I'll be able to clean up and enjoy it like a spa. Not that I'm all that into spa's, I'm not. But a nice completed bathroom downstairs would be nice. Soon, soon...according to the broken promises.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Demo done

The crew didn't arrive until 5:40 pm yesterday. I was backing out of the driveway to pick up Mr. L from daycare as they pulled up. I pointed them towards the house and told them Jay was inside as I put the car in gear and left.

I didn't arrive back home until 7:30 pm while I stayed at the house with the boys until Selma got her car problems straightened out. I pulled up back into my own driveway to a litter of large, black, garbage bags, miscellaneous debris, and an upside-down bathtub in a perfect line on the lawn from house to street.

The crew was just finishing up the first portion of the job of tub to shower conversion. To the left is what my narrow bathroom looks like right now. The vanity is covered since it will stay but there is no toilet and no signs of the old tiles or tub.

Step one: done. Let's see how step two proceeds.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Real life

June 1, 2015 - 3:49 pm

I've been home at least 35 minutes. I can't go anywhere since I am waiting for the plumbers to arrive and start demolition of the downstairs bathtub, toilet, and wall tiles. They aren't here yet. They were supposed to be here this morning and Jay had a number of phone volleys with them, each time changing their arrival time to later in the day. He finally had to go to his follow-up appointment at the doctors office and they arranged to arrive when I got home.  No go. They aren't here so I have to wait until someone gets here.

Now I got a text from my daughter-in-law that I might need to pick up my grandson from daycare because the low battery light came on in her car. She will check at the nearest AutoZone and let me know if I need to pick him up. It sounds like I have a few things to do this afternoon instead of the run I had planned. I will deal with it all and it will all be fine but discipline is a hard thing to carve out during real life sometimes.