Friday, March 12, 2010

Another toy

I went out and got another toy. I was having a conversation at work and my running came up and music and distances and one thing led to another and I found out there is a new gadget available. I was told this gadget can hook up to your iPod and has a program that can calculate your running distances, times, calories, pace. It stores your workout histories and best totals and personal bests. What? Really?
I was a little skeptical since my iPod Nano is a third generation and wasn't sure it would be compatible. I took my skepticism back to my desk and did some research. The site said it was compatible with the iPod I owned. Okay - I pulled out my iPod and started to search my main menu. Sure enough! The program was listed right there already installed. Cool!
I just needed to get the device. I took myself down to the sports store at lunch (yes – top down on the car again). I asked the clerk for the item I was looking for and she pulled it out. I asked a few questions and was getting very excited about getting this new device when the clerk says…this part goes into the shoe. What? In the shoe? Will it work if you don’t have the right shoe?
“No. You have to have the shoe that the device fits into.”
Needless to say I left the store without my gadget and disappointed.
Huh…I didn’t think that could be right. They couldn’t have made a product where everyone has to use that same shoe. I went back to work and did more research.
AHA! Nope…they WANT you to use that shoe but you can get a Velcro pouch to lace it to the top of ANY shoe! I went back to the sports store after work and asked for the device again. Then I asked for the Velcro pouch. They didn’t carry it. I couldn’t get it. But I could…on-line. I would just need to wait for delivery.
I purchased the device and took it home. Then I had the second AHA! I wondered if the shoes I got from Sonny might work. I grabbed the shoes and pulled the padding from one…nope. I picked up the other shoe and I saw the small Red Swoosh Plus on the padding. I pulled it up and sure enough…a slot for the sensor to fit! I put it into the shoe, replaced the padding, clicked on the iPod and it was ready to calibrate. I went out for a short run and TADA! A new toy!

It is a Nike+ Sensor. I bought the Nike+ Sports Kit which came with the sensor and the wireless doggle. I ordered a Velcro pouch on-line so I will be able to use it with any running shoe and not just my Nike Maxair.  It sync's with my iTunes and can also be stored at the Nike+ website to view and set up and monitor my running programs and goals.
Another toy!


Anonymous said...

Way Cool TT MDDLF!

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