Saturday, March 30, 2013


It's late in the day and I'm playing catch-up.  How did I manage to fill up two days already and still not...
What a very nice two days I have had even if there are still things to do and that need to get done.  Gee, I have one what...maybe two small loads of laundry to do?  I have to give the floor a quick mop?  There are a few dishes that need to be washed including the springform pan I used to make angel cake for tomorrow?
What I managed to do was get a lot of errands done yesterday.  I got the floors prepped for their quick mop.  I got out and ran both days.  I got to spend the afternoon with Mr. L!  I wrote this morning on my short story!
So there are a few more things to get done today but look what I've done so far.
Jay made a comment that my angel cake looked like a nuclear reactor.  Maybe it was the clear wrap I used.
I'm not sure...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Should I?

I'm reading my notes for the second chapter of this short story I'm drafting.  I don't want to think about the fact that I should have done some of this last night but I somehow decided to finish reading the book I had instead.  It would have been fine if I had left the book when I finished it but then I went and immediately started another.  I should have stopped reading and come up and worked on writing but I didn't and I don't have the time now to work on it before going to work.  I also don't have time to go back and think of all the should have's and shouldn't have's that have transpired instead of moving on.  Move along, move along...and I also said I didn't want to think about that. 
I'm wondering how much more I could get done if I didn't stop and ponder all the things I should have, could have, why didn't I do?  No matter.
It's time to shut down and move on.  I'll make another opportunity to do the things I should.  I know I can.  Why don't I?

Monday, March 25, 2013


Who can argue with a four day work week?  Friday is a holiday so I'll get myself a three-day weekend.  The cooler temperatures that blew in should blow their way out by the end of the week so it should be mildly toasty by the time I get that free time.  I admit the wind kept me indoors all of yesterday.  I don't have a choice to stay in today as much as I am trying to prolong that.  I poured myself another cup of coffee to stretch my time I have but  I should pick myself up and go in to work.  Yeah - so I can get the time in and get out.  But a few minutes on this side of the clock or the other isn't going to make that much difference. 
I used up a portion of my time this morning already cleaning up a few grammatical errors at the bottom of my chapter one of a short story I was working on part of yesterday.  Yes.  Good for me!  I spent some of my indoor time yesterday writing up the first draft of that first chapter.  I suspect this story will only have five or six chapters so it doesn't seem like such a daunting task.  I will, hopefully, stick with it a little more consistently and complete it fairly soon (ambiguous and vague, I know).  Then I can start the editing of it.  That part can actually be fun, too, believe it or not.  If working that hard on something can be considered fun.  But then - I enjoy running, remember? 
That extra cup of coffee is gone now and time is a-ticking.  Off to work I go...hi-ho.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Perfectly timed

You got up early and had coffee.  You organized your desk as you put in the first load of laundry for the day.  You played with the idea that the sun was bright enough behind all the clouds to go ahead and get a run in.  That is exactly what you did.
The run was perfect and it inspired you to open up the house to let the cool breezes in while you cleaned up and got dressed.  Then you were ready for the day so you grabbed your keys and went.  A quick stop at the department store scored you a $44 Rock & Republic blouse for $10.87.  It was a good thing you remembered the $10 off coupon you stashed in your bag.  It would be expiring so let's just call it perfect timing.
And that's the way it was going.  There would be another shopping trip to look for an additional blouse (or two), a new pair of shorts and some new scandals.  There was nothing but time and money, honey. 

That was yesterday.  This morning is breaking much the same as far as the coffee and checking my desk.  I have one load of laundry I could put in the wash.  All the rest of the clothes are done, folded and put away.  It's too cold to look forward to a run just yet but I'll get it in today, no doubts about it.  The new running shoes are rocking just fine and I did find a new pair of scandals.  I've got plenty of things to do with no urgency behind them.  It's a nice place to be.
And that's the way it goes.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Average stats

I probably shouldn't venture into this particular subject territory but somehow I am feeling particularly good and don't think I could wedge anything negative into it at this particular moment.  I have before and I might be getting a better grip on it or I might be in complete denial but either way it is working for me right now so I'm going with it.
I checked on my behind the scenes dashboard of the site where I had hastily posted a few drafts of short pieces I wrote.  That was about seven months ago.  I had let the amount of downloads (or lack of) and votes and scores (again utterly lacking) play mind games on me back when/then.  How I wished I could have had a better showing.  I still do but this is how it is looking today.
I have a total of 573 downloads for everything and one title that has finally gotten a score...20 votes for a score of 2.66 out of 5.  They don't count the best and worst score you get and average the rest of them and do some kind of weird math but it all comes down to...I've hit mid-ground.  Not devastatingly awful #1 and not great work #5.  Average, middle, live with it. 
And that is where I am.  It could be worse but it is what it is.

Middle isn't awful even if I want to make it out to be.  It could probably be better if these weren't all first drafts but that's just an excuse.  If I want more and better than I am going to have to take the risks of doing more.  I could possibly do worse but would I rather do nothing and stay where I am?  And if I did worse is that so awful if there is the chance I could do so much better?

What a bunch of riddles!  It's just some interesting stats.  And being middle and average isn't as bad as it sounds...for a place to start.

No time to spend

Where or where has this week gone?  Friday morning already?!  Do I really have another weekend to look forward to in just a few hours?  What could be better!  A busy week and bam! I land myself right into the beginnings of time off.  Splendid!
The re-paving of the street is happening along rather quickly.  Of course, the minute I say it's going quickly is the exact minute it will all come to a screeching halt.  Isn't that the way it goes?  Maybe I'll luck out and that won't be the case.
We have a nice new roof on our house - bought and paid for.  It looks great - so much better than before and it even seemed to have cleaned up the entire look of the outside of the house.  I know I need to get it power-washed but with the new shingles on the roof, the siding already looks better.

I managed to spread the entire 3 yards of dirt we had delivered to the front lawn.  It no longer is a black volcano-shaped monstrosity in the middle of the yard.  It's nicely and evenly distributed over the entire front area.  I have the blister to prove it.  I won't talk about what happened to the lawn we worked so hard to put in a few years ago because honestly, I don't know what happened.  I don't.  I only know that...well, I'm working on shaping things up in the front again.  Let's leave it at that.  What does it matter, those things in the past?  It's all about what is to come and what I make of it.
I won't go searching for where the week has gone.  I haven't got time to spend there.  I have things that will be so much better.  In just in a few hours.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Take your friends

I'm not sure what is going on in my neighborhood.  They are finally hauling away the pile of rock and dust they dug up to finish the last section of MY Sideway yesterday.  They still had a small portion blocked where they were working to finish cleaning it up.  That's wonderful but then as I turned on my street I realized it's being graded and scratched and dust was flying every where and they had beeping machinery along the entire length of it.  How am I supposed to run with all this?!  I can't...there are too many barricades and orange cones and men in reflective jackets with flags all around.  What was wrong with the street?  Did someone find a pocket full of extra money?  How long is this going to take?  I can't go bopping and weaving around a street full of all that stuff!  It's my first mile they are kicking up.
I guess I'll have to wait and see what is going to happen.  It just seems everything is happening all at the same time.  But I better go on to work now and get out of the house.  I have workers coming today to replace the entire roof.  (Sigh)  Great.  Maybe it will be all finished and they will be packed up and gone by the time I come home.  And it would be great if they could take their friends working on the street with them.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


It's been a really great weekend.  It isn't over yet but another day to look forward to.  The weather has managed to hold up so very well that everyone is taking to the outdoors.  I know I have.  I know others have too because I've been sent the pictures to prove it.

It seems Mr. L enjoys a walk on a sidewalk outside lately.  I thought he looked like he borrowed his shorts from the cartoon character Calvin and Hobbs but it's just a normal fit for his size.  I'm not sure what statement he is trying to make with the one sock?  Hmmm...But nice shoes, dude.  I got myself a new pair, too.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Pure motivation

There is nothing like a new pair of shoes...

A little too bright...not sure why they think they have to keep upping the color combo's but I don't buy them for their colors.  Nope.  I go for what is on the insides not the outsides.

Shopping anyone?

I might have to make today a shopping day.  I totaled the numbers of miles I have on my shoes and it's creeping up toward 500.  I didn't need to do the math to figure it out.  I could tell the insides are pretty much pounded down and they are way too old to keep on going.  I knew a new pair would be in order soon.  I think soon is now and with the time I have off today it might be the best time to take a drive out to the running store and give myself a new pair.  I need to get out anyway.
And what better motivation to get going again than a new pair of running shoes?  So a shopping day it will be.  I will take the shoes I have for a last spin before I go out to shop.  Then I should wash my car.  I mean - what better way to zip around town than in my shiny compact with the top down?  To buy new shoes? 
Sounds like a win-win plan.  I wonder if there is anything I need at the electronics store?  Maybe I should check out the boutiques...I could grab a new...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Just this much left

I went out to check on MY Sidewalk.  It has been taking them an enormous amount of time to finish my side where it seemed to only take a fraction of the time to complete the other side.  I'm not sure why that is.  It might be because of the large amount of stone and rock and gravel and hard stuff they had to dig out in order to put the sidewalk in.  You see, this was the one place in the world where I tripped and spilled over the most whenever I went out for a run.  The toe of my shoe would hit one of those stones or rocks or large gravel pieces and I would fall down, down, ouuff, sh*%, damn, sh*% (you have to say that one twice to keep from tearing up).  You especially have to say it twice once you are kneeling with your face to the ground with your palms stinging.  You roll over to sit and realize your knees are covered in dust and blood.  You're embarrassed beyond belief and curse the rocks again and your shoes and your mother.  Okay...maybe not your mother.  Don't bring her into it - she never approved to begin with but it hurts so bad you curse,  sh*%!!! 

They are almost finished.  They might finish today or I would think, at least by tomorrow - to end the week.  They might get the last bit of cement poured and have it all done.  It will be a complete, connecting sideway along the entire length of treacherous trail that makes you curse where you can't keep upright.  Or I couldn't, at times, anyway.  I'm happy!  It's taken a while and now it's almost done! 

View from across the street on the side they finished weeks ago.

Last bit to finish from the stop sign to that white looped pipe toward the left. 
There is already sidewalk after the loop.
You can see the pile of dusty rocks and gravel they dug up!

Free time

What a lovely morning.  I took the next two days off from work. 
I don't have a list of plans because, well, let's face it, I haven't been doing anything.  That is what everyone tells me is fine.  I might still be struggling with the idea of it being fine if I wasn't (finally) starting to feel like there is still some interest in the things I used to do.  There always has been the interest but somewhere, somehow, my complete and utter motivation was taken out with all the Christmas trash and I haven't been able to recover it.  Talk about frustration setting in.  Is there anything harder than working past a lack of motivation - especially when you are a self-motivator?
It ain't easy.
But I am feeling glimmers of it edging back.  It is trying to get me up and push me past the routines of opening a book instead of going out.  (What am I up to this year?  21 books read I think)?  And they say that is fine.  Why am I making out that even that is a bad thing, too?
I have my free time.  I'm done with thinking about it. I think I want to get started.  Give it a at a time. 
What a lovely morning!

Monday, March 11, 2013


I haven't left myself enough time this morning before I need to rush off.  I'm thinking I want to get to work early again so I can leave early.  I'm hoping the time adjustment to the clock won't drag out and affect me all week.  It shouldn't but I will need to give it time to see how it plays out.
But for now...I need to scoot.
Monday mornings always come way too soon.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

In three's

Wake up!  Wake up!  I did.  I figured it's really an hour later than the clock said even if that doesn't go into effect until tomorrow.  I couldn't sleep anymore anyway.  I somehow had three scenes in my head playing out while I was supposed to be asleep.  It was that morning time when you are still supposed to be sleeping but you are not and just there in bed realizing it's too early to get up but you keep your eyes closed thinking you will fall back to sleep.  It didn't happen and I kept playing out the beginnings of one scene after another.  They weren't even from the same story.  They were from three different ones.  And these are all stories that I have started and not moved on with trying to write.  Are they trying to tell me something?  Or am I trying to tell myself something.  It's been a while since I had the ideas float around in my head without prompting.  And, of course, they all decide to bombard me at the same time. 
And does that matter?  They are all different stories.  All different characters.  All different scenes.  I should probably put them all down and see where they go.  Maybe that is the way I should write them up.  I need to stop thinking so hard and just write it up and not put them on spare pieces of paper that land on my desk for later.  I will find the notes a week from now when I'm de-cluttering my desk and not know what I meant.  I just cleared my desk of that and know that isn't working.
So while I use this extra hour I won't have tomorrow morning I will be writing up short bits of scenes that played in my head before I got up.  Three of them.  For three different stories that are in three different documents. It might be a good stretch to exercise the imagination for the three different characters involved.  Sounds like a good reason to wake up.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Can't sit

This is one of those mornings that I would prefer to sit and get things done here at home instead of going off to work.  It isn't as if I don't have things that need to get done at work but at this particular moment I am having this overwhelming feeling to sit where I am and get things done here instead.
But then reality sets in.  Work ethic sets in.  I don't skip out...except for my own things lately and that isn't right and I need to fix it.
Just not at the moment. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Clear the way

I've got a mess of paper on my desk.  Actually most of it is organized piles of mess if that counts for anything.  It doesn't.  I still need to go through each messy pile and find out what the heck I thought was so important that I kept it in a pile here on the top of my desk.
Most of it gets thrown out so I'm not sure why I needed to keep it on my desk in the first place.  Most of it is folded pieces of paper where I might have written one or two notes to myself.  They usually contain something I want to remember but can't remember when I read them back to myself by the time I go back to them again, like now. 
So I can immediately dispel at least half of the papers right away.  The manila file containing the writing lessons can be put aside.  The pages of the short story written by a friend can be moved away.  The random notes with random sentences and wordplay can be...trashed?  I don't know what I was going for when I wrote them anymore.  The box of index cards the far right hand corner.  Then I have my Tiffany pen and two mechanical pencils.  Those stay on the desk. 
That leaves me with two pieces of stationery filled back and front with my handwriting.  They stay.  Just a hands reach to the right of my laptop where they shine bright-white against the dark wood of the top of my desk.  It's the summary of my short story.  The outline of chapters, character ideas and general notes of occupations.  They need to stay.  They need to be center point without the surrounding distractions.  I have a few minutes so I'm going to use them.  Clear the desk and find my spot.  It's time to clear the mess of paper on my desk.


Monday, March 4, 2013

MY sidewalk

Driving home the past couple of weeks I have noticed crews building sidewalks on the opposite side of where I run in my neighborhood.  They started on one end and I was happy to see that they were slowly progressing from one day to the next to complete the long stretch from end to end.  I was happy to see it going in.  I was happy but I sighed because it would have been nice if they had done it on the opposite side of the road where I turn off to run.  But I knew this was good.  I would only need to cross the street to get to the new sidewalk.  Well, I would need to cross twice.  If they had put it down on the other side I wouldn't have to cross at all but merely keep going when I made my turn.  That would have been really nice and that is why I sighed as I made my drive home.
Then at the end of last week I noticed they were on the last bit to complete the sidewalk.  I kept driving to my turn off to home and there I saw another crew.  They had traffic cones and digger machines blocking one lane at my corner.  They were putting down a sidewalk on MY side.  They were putting down MY Sidewalk!
Now, I can understand why you might think this isn't such a big deal.  It wasn't that long a piece that I had to run in the gravelly, uneven, hard piece of trail.  It shouldn't be anything to get so amped about.  But this is the one place I have always missed my footing and tasted that dirt underneath my feet.  I've fallen more times at this particular spot than any other in the history of the world.  This patch has been the cause of more embarrassment and bloody knees and palms than any other spot anywhere.  So to see the sidewalk coming in at this place is big, exciting news to me.  They are putting it in for me!  It's a sure sign for me to grab my running shoes and hit it - without falling.
Before.  Ouch!
They are building my sidewalk!
How about that!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A good tired

After my marathon of baking yesterday it didn't take me long to realized how very tired I was.  It was a long day.  There was a long stretch of hours where I didn't stop or let up.  Actually it was two days if you count the day before when I worked a regular day and then came home and baked another three and a half hours.  Tired.
But there is a difference between tired from doing and just tired.  This one, now that I've had a nights rest, feels very good.  I am actually feeling recharged for a change instead of lazy.  If it wasn't so cold out I'd gear up to run but I will hold that thought for later in the day when the sun warms up - because I feel like it.  Finally.
Dante came by to help me yesterday.  I wouldn't have been able to finish all of it if he hadn't spent the time retouching my labels and printing and even going out to get me another bag of flour.  By the time I was finished baking he had already started putting together my bakery boxes and organizing the five variety of cookies that were to go into each box.  He was a tremendous help.  And then later that evening I got a text from him asking if we could ship to Chicago because he had put it on his facebook page and well...then I got a call from my sister-in-law in another city and wanted to know when I started baking...she had seen Dante's post.
But having this chore was the best thing that could have happened.  Not because I got a huge paying order but because it put me back in line.  It made me face a challenge I couldn't turn away from and work hard to get it done.  It made me realize I was tired but for the right reason and I can recover quickly and want to do more.  The more you do the more gets done the better you feel.  It's like some crazy equation designed for me. 
So marathon baking - check. 
What other type of marathon challenges should I be thinking about?  writing, running.
I might need to work up another really good tired.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


It's time to make the donuts.  Or in this case - the cookies.  I have a huge order to fill and I plan on spending as much time as possible slapping out dozen after dozen of circular morsels.  I'm all prepped and ready to go but wanted this one chance to sit a moment and sip my coffee before I start grinding it all out. 
I got the smallest jump start yesterday afternoon when I got home from work.  I managed to get 26 dozen baked, cooled and stored.  The kitchen has been cleaned up and ready to start the new batches now.  I still have a long way to go but I beat the sun this morning and I'll wave distractedly to it when it decides to yawn and stretch on it's way up.  Heck.  By that time I might need to pour us both another cup of coffee and sit a moment before going back to work.  I'd offer it a cookie but I'm counting those very meticulously for the moment.  Ninety dozen still seems a long way off but now it's about time to get going.  It's time...

Progress Report10:11am - 51 dozen baked.  I might finish early and still have some Saturday left over!!!

Progress Report:  5:37pm - 90 dozen cookies baked.  But also, packaged and labeled, ready for delivery.  I am completely done! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Cut it loose

Friday, March 1, 2013

For some unknown reason I have been trying to cut loose of February for a week.  I don't know why except it seemed to have built some type of force field around me that I needed to escape.  I had to endure the entire time knowing that on the first of March the fields would be lifted and I could venture out.  I know, it's bizarre, but what do you want?  I wanted February to be over and I got my wish even though I don't know why I was wishing it in the first place.
And here I am on the first.  Up early and ready to get going. 
Starting now.