Friday, March 26, 2010


I have managed to move myself along through another work week.  I have pretty much gotten through Monday through Friday (well... Friday doesn't count 'cause it's here and it's the last day of the work week and it's started so it's almost done).  I am not exactly sure how that logic works but it seemed like such a long week that I am not going to take the energy to figure it out.  I am going with it all the way to Friday afternoon.  Quttin' time, grab my stuff and leave this place for a nice weekend!
And you ask, what are your plans?  Sounds like something is up?  What's going on?  Yes, you might think I had great things lined up and ready to do.  The facts are I keep going all week long that I haven't thought that far the weekend I mean.  I haven't thought about it except that during the week I can only wish that is where I was. 
I wish I was in the midst of a weekend, to do whatever things that are conveniently shrouded behind the stage scrim of my mind.  The scrim that keeps things just on the other side of the curtain, slightly obsured and not fully visible until the lights are projected on them. 
Ouh boy.  Cue the eye-rolling, shaking of the head-back and forth slowly.  That's it.
It has been a long week, hasn't it?
Weekend anyone?


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