Monday, March 8, 2010


Remember when you were a kid and found a toy you had forgotten about?  Do you remember how when you saw it and pulled it out from all the other toys you had this excited sense of "Oh, Wow!  Look what I found!" come over you?  You sat with it and pulled on it and twisted it and rediscovered all the things it did that made it so much fun to play with.  It was almost as if it was brand new again except better since you knew how cool it already was and you had the chance to do it all over again.
I have been playing with my laptop.  It has given me that childish feeling of excitement.  My Acer Aspire laptop was returned recently and I am getting re-acquainted with it.  I haven't exactly been pulling on it or twisting it but I have been without it for a while and I am thinking how cool it really is.  I had forgotten how very small it is.  The keyboard is a perfect size for me and it weighs all of 2 lbs, if that much.  So I am feeling a little childish as I sit here giving it a go a again as if it were a toy.
I know I will be carting it with me as I make my way through my days.  I will keep my regular size laptop in my workspace upstairs but this baby will come with me.  I have purses I can tuck it into so I can easily stow it to grab and go.  I know there will be lunches I can sit and and use it at my convenience.  I will have it to use any which way and it's only a little bit larger than an index card.  Okay, well maybe it is a lot larger than an index card but that only means I will have more room for notes.
Aren't toys great when you discover one you always thought was cool and haven't used it in a while?  I know I'll be using this one again quite a bit.
"Oh, Wow!  Look what I found!"


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