Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A calculated confession

This is another of my bonus posts. Have you noticed how these have been popping up more often of late? You would think I have had an extra amount of things to say on some days. That might be partially true. There are some days there is more to be said than others. Mostly bonus posts have come around when I have had a particular rant I needed to dispel.
This is not the case today. I truly have a confession I must make about this and my recent bonus postings.
They have been calculated. Let me explain.
I started this blog on 4/11/09. That means in a mere 10 days I will come to the end of a full year of posting on 4/10/10. That means I will have completed a year – 365 days – of posting every single day. During the span of the entire year there were a few days that something did not get posted. Actually there were very few. There were 11 to be exact. The recent bonus posts are to complete the 365 I need to be able to officially say I have 365 posts in a full year since I started this blog. A post a day.
It was a personal challenge. If you add the 254 posts I had from 2009 to the 101 posts I have this year it will total 355. The remaining 10 posts will be for the 10 days left from April 1 through April 10, 2010 which will complete my year.
I need to re-prioritize my writing time and the responsibility I feel to post daily can be a crutch I am using to avoid writing my novel. I had to find a way of feeling I had satisfied a goal within my blog to let it become lesser of my priorities.
Why is that so hard for me? It seems I figure out and do the things I need to do for myself but than try to find every reason and way to talk myself out of why it is a good idea. So I will stick to the plan.
This is another bonus post no matter how calculated. But mostly it is a confession.

Overnight sensations

I couldn't resist snapping this shot. It seems the flowers have appeared in an instant. It was like nothing was there but a sign and then all of a sudden it was exploding in a sea of blue and green with flowers popping up over every available space.
It is always incredible the way this happens most years. This year is turning out to be an exceptional one. The blues seem to come first, then the yellows, then white and pinks...It just seems to spring out overnight and you come in to work one day and are welcomed with this beautiful salute to the day. Isn't this a welcome way to come to work?
I couldn't help but take a picture of this particular entrance to one of our buildings. Even though I pass it every day, it captured my attention so much more when I saw it just a day ago. That was when this amazing transformation occurred. That was when overnight these beautiful bluebonnets had populated every inch around the perimeter road and beyond. That was when I saw the flowers and the sign and I thought that together they were so appropriately named.
The best part is I don't have to travel to just this spot to see this blazing array of color. Right now these flowers are everywhere.
But I think you would have to agree with the picture and my thoughts on this when I saw it the other day. You would have to agree with my thinking when I saw it.
It truly is a Wildflower entrance.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lost workout

I completed another running challenge. It was another 10 miles in a week starting last Monday and ended yesterday at 11:59 pm. Needless to say I have had some pretty awesome runs lately.
Aside from the challenge I have set up my regular running week to start on Sunday and go through Saturday. According to my nifty site that stores my workouts I am able to say I ran a total of 25.37 miles in six runs with the longest being 6.65 miles last week. I could tell you I ran a total duration of 4:02:55 with a total calorie burn of 2173. That's a lot of information! I could go on to say that I started this week, since it starts on Sunday, with a run of 7.15 miles! Whoa. I honestly went in thinking I was going to do 4 miles on Sunday. Then I was 40 minutes into the workout and thought...ah, what the heck...another 10 minutes. Well, I ended up running a duration of 1:06:12. It was a little more than 10 minutes and a few miles more than 4. I don't really know what happened except the extra motivation for the challenge was also kicking in. I mean, I ran 6.65 the day before...more than a 10K...than I turned around and did it again with more to spare the next day. A half marathon in two days? I would never, no never, ever, ever, think I would be able to do that. But it was me. I can't say it was anyone else.
So yesterday my goal was another 4 miles and I went beyond again with a total of another 6.32 miles. But yesterday I had a problem with my nifty counter. Somehow when I went to sync it up it lost yesterday’s workout. It was there, then it wasn't, and it didn't get recorded and even worse it got erased. So I can talk all I want about the miles I did yesterday but it won't count toward the challenge and it's not on my stats on my site.
But I still got 3 10K's done in 3 days. What can I say?
I can say, oh well...better challenge next time. Even without counting my lost last workout it shows I ran a total of 28.93 miles. Not too shabby and still an improvement over my first challenge which was a total of 16.48 miles.
So I will take it as it comes and as it goes. that the challenge is over, I still ended up in 10th place with 537 participants.
Not too shabby.
If I wanted to venture out and calculate the "what if" yesterdays workout would have put me in 5th place with a total of 35.55 miles from 3/22/10 - 3/29/10.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday's fine

How could I possibly begrudge this Monday morning after such a weekend? Yes, I involved myself in many activities on Sunday to catch-up from Saturday. I can’t resent Sunday when I had such an enjoyable Saturday. Sunday worked out fine and I feel as if I was able to get the multitude of things done that needed to get done.
I got the added bonus of not having to do any yard work which was way overdue. Jay had hired someone to come out and take care of it on Sunday afternoon just when I was thinking I wasn’t going to have time and it would be one of those things that I needed to do but I had already been running around trying to get everything else done. So I put a cake in the oven instead. 

So how can I say anything about Monday just because it’s here? I won’t. Besides, the best part about starting this work week is I won’t have to work Friday because we are closed! There is nothing like starting a week that will end in four days with a three day weekend at the end of it.
I can handle that. Most all of us can, right?
I know I can.  And the cake was really good. 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Worth it

The majority of today has been to catch up from yesterday. If ever I took a day off – and I mean a day off from doing chores on a Saturday when I was at home, it was yesterday.
I managed to roll my old carcass out of bed after 8:00 am. Yes, that is late for me even on a Saturday so I was already behind. Somehow the extra sleep played a number on me and I was dazed most of the morning. I finally got myself moving and to the gym at about 11:00. I spent a little more than an entire hour there running.
Then I was hungry but had to get home first to shower and change. I called Dante as I was leaving the gym because by then it must have been 12:30. He wasn’t out of bed yet but I was giving him enough time and free lunch motivation to meet me in a while.
That lunch turned out so well. Not only was the food good but my boy Dante again reinforced things I know and uh, uh, uh’d things when I tried to argue.
So with lunch done I still had time to shop and I did. I would say it wasn’t as successful as I would have liked but then I did come home with a pair of Anne Klein black heels and three blouses. If that isn’t fairly successful then it is at least a start.
That left me with today. I’ve done some laundry, vacuumed the area rug and bedrooms, put away groceries and managed another couple of months on the bookkeeping. I should have done more but I still need to iron.

It was definitely worth the day off.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


There has been a bit of a struggle going on with topics lately. Actually it has been the lack of topics that have been the struggle. It sometimes becomes increasingly hard to come up with any idea at all on what to write about. I think this might have been extremely apparent yesterday in particular. Or maybe not. It's hard to tell.
I know that I was having a hard time. I was really thinking it would be a day without words. It wasn't because I hadn't sat down and tried. It was more because I kept trying and nothing was worth keeping on the page. I wrote and erased, wrote and erased. I guess I should say highlighted and deleted. I wasn't using a pencil and actually erasing things. I wasn't doing it long-hand. Boy, now that would really have made it frustrating! As if it wasn't already!
I think it is just the nature of what I have been doing. It isn’t as easy to sit daily…yes, that means every single day and always have something brilliant to talk about. There is no way anything keeps coming out perfectly well every day. There has to be some type of fluctuation in the process and when I am striving to do something that type of movement will happen.
Those are the days I sit and write and erase. Those are the days I sit and write. Those are the days.
Every day.

Friday, March 26, 2010


I have managed to move myself along through another work week.  I have pretty much gotten through Monday through Friday (well... Friday doesn't count 'cause it's here and it's the last day of the work week and it's started so it's almost done).  I am not exactly sure how that logic works but it seemed like such a long week that I am not going to take the energy to figure it out.  I am going with it all the way to Friday afternoon.  Quttin' time, grab my stuff and leave this place for a nice weekend!
And you ask, what are your plans?  Sounds like something is up?  What's going on?  Yes, you might think I had great things lined up and ready to do.  The facts are I keep going all week long that I haven't thought that far the weekend I mean.  I haven't thought about it except that during the week I can only wish that is where I was. 
I wish I was in the midst of a weekend, to do whatever things that are conveniently shrouded behind the stage scrim of my mind.  The scrim that keeps things just on the other side of the curtain, slightly obsured and not fully visible until the lights are projected on them. 
Ouh boy.  Cue the eye-rolling, shaking of the head-back and forth slowly.  That's it.
It has been a long week, hasn't it?
Weekend anyone?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sensor update

I have been running again. I ran the last five days in a row. According to my new toy - the sensor that attaches to my running shoe - I have been doing quite well with getting myself out and running. It helps to have a device telling you how things are going.
It says I have had 11 runs since 3/11. That is 11 runs in 14 days. It also says I have completed one challenge and am in the midst of another. I signed up for a challenge that lasted one week and I had to run 10 miles. I came in 1531 out of 4501 participants in that one. Then I turned around and entered another challenge exactly like the first which started Monday, 3/22 and will end 3/29 for another 10 miles. This is a smaller race with only 388 participants so far. After I sync’d my run from yesterday (and yes that would mean 3 days) I am in 18th place with 10.66 miles completed. Now, I am not terribly excited (well, maybe a little) about the 18th place because that will change drastically as others sync their sensors. I mean most of yesterday I was in 53rd place. The previous race I took a day off and fell 300 places! I did make up some ground again, but that’s the way these on-line challenges go.
The other great thing is that I have moved up a color level. You start out as yellow. When you hit 31 miles you move up. I am currently at a total of 34.79 miles (in my 14 days) so I am now at the orange color level. It suggested I wear something orange so if anyone asked why I was wearing orange I could explain that I had attained my new level. That might be a bit much…although I might have something that color to wear…hmmm. The next color is green and I have another 120 miles before I hit that level.
So I am feeling quite good about my running. I do look good in green so maybe when I go out for my retail therapy I might keep that in the back of my mind as additional motivation. It would be something new to wear when I reach an even higher level. I am not kidding myself - I know that will be a while!
Oh and when I went to wear a pair of opened toe'd shoes for work recently I found I had lost a toenail. I had trouble with the nail on my second toe of my right foot but thought it was going to be fine. Well, the old nail is gone and there is a tiny crescent of a new growing in. It was totally painless since I didn’t even notice it was gone but I was still surprised when I realized it.
Euugh. Sorry. That information might be something only runners can appreciate. I’ll try to stick to colors and distances and challenges. And little devices that tell you how things are going.
Things are going well!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another art form

I am in need of some retail therapy. I know it is only Wednesday and I will need to wait until the weekend to make a trip like that worth it’s while but I can still feel a strong need coming on. There seems to have been quite a few distractions for a much longer period of time than usual to keep me from shopping lately. I have known I wanted/needed to get a few new things but have put them off for what seems like an astounding number of reasons. This procrastination has led to some major shortening in the number of clothing options I have available.
You see, I am very – no VERY – good about saying goodbye to garments that are:
• Old
• Faded
• ill-fitting
• Un-stylish
• Un-flattering
• What was I thinking when I bought this?!?
I do not keep any of the items that fall into the above category. In fact, I keep a laundry basket in my closet for just such items. If I find after laundering something that has really outlasted its stay – it goes into the laundry basket. If I wear a garment that I realize is unflattering or doesn’t fit well anymore – it goes into the laundry basket. The laundry basket accumulates items and when full (like now) it gets donated to charity. My rule is that once something is placed in the laundry basket I cannot take it out again. I did that once, wore the removed item, and immediately realized why I had put it in there in the first place. I haven’t done it again.
So now I am at the point of a full (almost overflowing) laundry basket but no replacements. This week alone I have placed four items into the basket! I’m not sure how I had managed to keep a particular button down shirt but when I wore it recently I felt like I was wearing my big sisters hand-me down. It was slightly faded and too big. The problem here is I don’t have a big sister so what was I thinking when I bought that?!?
Whatever you call it: retail therapy, shopping, buying, acquiring, putting my flair for style in motion and all the while enjoying the search through racks of possible treasures. I can take this, skip that, try all that might have a possibility and discard all that don't work, keep the things that do, then start over again.
It can be an art form all on its own if you know how to do it.
I know how and I am way past due for this type of art.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On my own

"He that was only taught by himself had a fool for his master." Ben Jonson

I came across this quote the other day. I am not a big fan of quotes. They always seem to have several meanings to me and I am never sure how the author meant them since they are always taken out of whatever context they might have originally been said.
This one nudged me in a defensive way. To me it seems I am a big fool. I know I have taught myself for the most part. I may do some research to find out how to do things but when it really comes down to it, I only have myself to rely on to get it done.
It makes me think when I read things like this that I have no business doing some of the things I do. I have no mentor, or master. I have myself.
How foolish I am Mr. Jonson! How foolish of me to take things on - all on my own for no other reason than to challenge myself and see how well I can do. Where do I think I might actually get some satisfaction from finding if I try and keep at things I find myself growing and gathering a wealth of knowledge I never would have found if I hadn't ventured off on my own. Where would I be if I never attempted the things I've done?
I know, that probably isn't at all what the quote meant. I shouldn't be so defensive.
I am not a big fan of quotes.

Dinner Saturday night

This is what I fixed for dinner last Saturday night. It looks good doesn't it? It is a grilled Pork chop marinated in garlic and rosemary. It is accompanied with sautéed Broccoli with Red Onion and Buttered Boiled Potatoes with fresh Flat-Leaf Parsley. That's what it is and it tasted as good as it looked.
Now that you've seen the picture and read the description here is the reality. It is a too thin pork chop with a large broccoli crown and potatoes I bought last week. I wasn't starting out to make something that looked and photographed so well but that's what it really is.
Saturday got away from me and it must have been 4:30 or so when I realized I hadn't taken anything out of the freezer for dinner. I don't particularly like to do my grocery shopping on the weekends due to the horrific crowds. I only go early in the morning but it was late. I decided to brave the store and pick up what I needed for a quick meal.
I looked over the meat aisle and pork chops seemed a good choice. I thought the chops were thin but it wasn't any special meal so I didn't ask the butcher to cut me thicker chops. I knew I already had some potatoes so I checked the produce to see if anything else looked good. The asparagus was priced a little high. I thought the leeks looked good but then decided to keep it really simple and just get a really large broccoli crown. I picked up a few other things but I pretty much had dinner and went to check out.
I could say I waited in line and picked the aisle where someone had to call the manager over for the person in front of me and wait. But no, that wasn't the case. If anything I was the one confusing the cashier by picking produce that no one else seems to buy.
"Are these beets or turnips?"
"Turnips...beets are red and stain your fingers."
I am not sure why I think I need to educate the cashiers.
"What are these small brown mushrooms?"
" portabella."
There is always a bit of a wait behind me in line since the cashier has to pull her code book and look up how to enter the craziness I buy (and eat).
So then finally back at home I realized I had plenty of time to cook before Jay got there so I decided to marinate the pork chops. I pulled out the basics like salt and pepper, minced up some garlic...oh…and rosemary is growing like crazy outside...and Italian parsley is doing well.
I had time so I pulled out the camera and started documenting.
I still had lots of time so I started to prep the vegetables and got ideas as I went along.
I pulled out my grill pan thinking the cross-hatch marks would do well on the chops. The pan works great but since my tiny kitchen is located underneath an upstairs bedroom, I have no exhaust over my stove just a fan. All that does is blow smoke around.
I had two chops on the grill pan when Jay walked in and immediately opened both front and back doors. It seems I managed to smoke up the entire kitchen and living room and he was creating a cross breeze to air out the house. You can't tell that from the picture can you?
I guess it doesn't really matter. It didn't hurt the meal or my enjoyment in making it. So a little fresh air is good for you right? As it turns is a really simple, good meal.
And a glass of wine doesn’t hurt.

Monday, March 22, 2010

One more thing

This weekend I passed on something I know I would have enjoyed thoroughly but knew there was a concern as far as the time factor. I could have accomplished it but I would have had to rearrange things I have strived very hard to fit into place. These are things that I have placed as my highest priorities when it comes to the things I want to be doing.
I guess it's natural to want to say maybe I should have decided differently. It certainly was something I thought a bit about but always held once I made my decision.
There is something to be said about sticking to my plan, keeping my focus and staying upbeat about all that comes along. Somehow, someway, I have been able to do these things and even when I falter it isn't for any length of time.
Hallelujah! It has been a long time coming.

Now that I've said that I have a confession about not being very inspired today. I spent most of yesterday afternoon working on bookkeeping. Taxes need to be done and I have been doing data entry to get it all into the new accounting software that I had to break down and get. The application I had was just too old.
So my mind is filled with numbers and codes and balancing. It is definitely a reach from being creative and trying to tell an interesting story in an interesting way.
Please bear with me. I am almost done with the accounting but not quite yet. It's just one more thing I do while doing everything else.
Just like everyone, right?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Still no

I got another email this morning from the local theater again.  It seems they are still needing someone for light board and spot light.  Ouch.  Makes me feel almost bad when I know it's something I can do and yet...
If it had been other positions still open I wouldn't feel as bad but then.  Wait.  I really don't feel that bad.  I do but I don't.  I'd like to help out and all but I haven't had a run yet this morning and I've only had a few cups of coffee and they would want me to be there at 11:00 this morning and.
And no.  Sorry, again.  Not this time.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wanna dance?

I had an email this morning from the local community theater. It was from the Technical Director letting me know there was need of additional volunteers for the next musical production opening next weekend. He needed five additional lighting and stage crew members.
I had worked spot light for a production for him a couple of years ago. Before that I had been thoroughly involved in theater for a long span of time over 30 years ago. I had gone back a few years ago because I had committed to myself that I would in some way, shape, or form to do it again. I tried to make it happen by contacting the local theater and talking to a few people. Months later, when I had given up, I was called and asked to help out. I went back to the theater after 30 plus years and was able to be a part of that production. I even have the T-shirt with my name listed on the back with all the other cast and crew…like a real roadie or something…I never wear the t-shirt.
So here was this email asking me to go back again. I was excited. It has always been something I have enjoyed doing. Here was an opportunity presenting itself.
But then I wasn’t sure. I would need to be there from 11am to 11pm tomorrow then every evening next week after work through opening weekend. Then I would need to be there every weekend in April. I wasn’t sure. Tomorrow…
I decided to go run and see if I felt any differently afterward.
I did. I ran and I decided not to take this opportunity the way it was presented at this time. I was beginning to feel a little like a last minute date. The kind of date where the guy had someone else lined up but she fell through and you’re just kinda there last on the list but - oh well, better than not going to the dance at all. The thing about those kinds of things is that I really would like to go to the dance - but tomorrow? I am really that far down on your list? I couldn’t have been called earlier?
The facts are that I am really trying to fit in a lot of things with the personal time I have now. Do I want to give up writing time? Running time? Reading, cooking and fit the rest of it in time?
No. I decided I am not giving any of that up. Not for a last minute date.
I’ll find another dance sometime if I decide I really want to go.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Socks and skittles

I have been scrolling through other blogs again lately and came across a couple that caught my attention. I am not sure why but it was probably initially because of the pictures that were posted.
The first had a pair of gradiantly striped socks hanging from a rather nasty looking clothes line. It was rusty and I think it was also holding up a bird house. The socks were colorful in a fuzzy faded way. I scrolled down into the site and found another picture of ladies feet from the ankle down in another pair of socks. These socks were a salmony color with equal fuzz to the pair hanging mournfully by the bird house. The toes covered in wool were pointed nicely on one foot.
It turns out from the bit of text it offered was that the blogger knitted her own socks and was trying to come up with interesting ways to photograph all she made. She went on to say that she was planning on doing this more in the New Year.
My thought was that it was a good idea. She certainly had captured my attention and I wondered how many other socks she would display until I realized the last post was from December last year. I immediately felt a little bad and I wondered what had happened to the New Year and the great idea of showcasing her wares. Maybe she hadn’t made anymore socks. Maybe life pulled her away and she didn’t have time to post. She sounded so upbeat and happy to have come up with the idea of photography that I wondered what had stopped her from following through with her great plan.
I scrolled through a few more blogs and came to one that had pictures of skittles. The obviously loved candy was arranged by color and had percentages of each color that was found in different bags. I am not sure exactly how many different bags the blogger had been through but there must have been at least five or more pictures that listed the percentages for each color in each bag. I don’t eat skittles. I don’t think I even like skittles but there was something about the sheer whimsy of it all that took me away. It made me wrinkle my forehead and wonder.
I wondered why I worry so much about what I write?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Don't leave home without 'em

Where are my index cards!?! Where are my index cards?!!
The panic level was rising up like a tidal wave, growing, gathering more strength, getting higher, and rolling closer to the shore. I was digging out compartments in my oversized bag that were never there before. I scrounged, and rooted and looked. I didn’t bring my index cards!
How could I have left the house without my index cards?! No, No. You don’t understand. No, you really don’t understand. My fingers started to tremble; my eyes were flicking back and forth. My mind was tumbling over itself. What to do, what to do…think! Stop and think!
I AM thinking. I can’t stop these ideas and where are my index cards!! I have to get them down. No, No…you don’t get it…they will be gone, gone! The ideas won’t stay. I have to write them down on index cards!
I grabbed the purse again. I am taking everything out, everything. Big things first, get them out of the way, now the small things. Push them around, maneuver them over each other. NO! Not a single index card. Shove everything back into the bag and put it down. Not that hard. Now wait.
Is anyone watching this?
Quick, calmly.  I know I need to sit still and pretend to be normal. Pretend, already. No one has any idea what I was looking for. It might be obvious I was looking for something but no one knows what it is.
So fine, that’s better. I will go about doing something else to ease the tension-charged moment into a synthetically natural ambiance. Nice, good job. I had everyone fooled.
Great. Except what was that idea? Blast!
I can’t believe I left without my index cards!

Wait, wait a minute.  Where's my cell phone?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Today must be what they mean by mid-week doldrums. Hump day, slump day, will this work-week end day. There might also be a portion of spring forward, lose an hour and pay for two weeks in there somewhere. It certainly hasn’t been a hard week so far (if you can count two days as a week) but it certainly hasn’t been a walk in the park.
I know I would much rather be walking in the park. Then I would at least understand where this fatigue is coming from. It’s not even a full-fledged fatigue but more of a full body and mind weariness. There must be something in my immediate atmosphere that is off the mark and for some reason I am hyper-sensitive to this unsuitable characteristic. It is setting off an unsettling feeling of I know something isn’t quite right but I can’t pin-point exactly what is wrong. Not a good thing at all but then again, not exactly dreadful.
I guess I can’t really complain about something that seems so pedestrian. I mean, I can’t even really declare exactly what it is that is making me feel so out of sorts and am I really not myself or is it just a passing symptom of something that will be gone before it can be given any real thought.
There you go…I am giving it too much thought and it is taking me away with more credit than it’s due. So, if I move along with new enthusiasm, I will pass this mid-week mark and be beyond to better things.
Boy – getting past hump-day can be exhausting.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

No sale

I got a notice in the mail yesterday from an auto dealership.  It seems they are wanting to buy my car back.  It seems they are wanting to offer me 10% above blue book value for my car.  It seems my car has become something that this auto dealership thinks it can make some money from even giving me over the value.
I am not giving them a chance at my car.  I don't want to sell my car.  I will keep my car no question, don't ask.  Step back!
Then I thought I should at least see what that might mean.  I can't help but analyze it.  Knowing some facts never hurt, knowledge is power and all that. 
I looked up the value of my car.  It was actually more than I realized and even though I still have a balance it's way over anything I owe.  If I add the 10% above value that they said they could offer I realized I would make a profit of anywhere from 10,000 to 12,000 after paying my balance.  That's a huge profit on a car.  That's a huge profit on an American made car. 
But it still doesn't make any difference.  I never got this car with the idea of selling it for a profit.  This car was always about finding something that was perfectly suited to me, at the perfect time in my life.  I had worked hard for it and I always felt like it was something I was able to accomplish and achieve.  It wasn't even a question - I deserved it and I was keeping it.  It's my car.  THE car.
I was almost insulted and upset that they would think I would give it over to them.  Silly thing.  I don't have a possession problem.  I don't horde things or get sentimental over belongings.  Somehow this felt different and I'm not sure exactly why.
Back up and step away from the lady's car.

Are you listening

I got my Velcro pouch delivered yesterday afternoon. You know if you read my post Another toy what I am referring to. If you didn’t read it then I will say briefly that I got a small pouch that fits on a running shoe that holds a sensor. It is a device that works with my iPod while I run and stores information. When I sync my iPod to iTunes, it not only keeps some information history on my iPod but sends it to a website that holds my data. I can go there to see how far I ran, how fast, how many calories burned, and my pace. It stores all workouts and also gives me a chance to set up goals and do virtual challenges. (I couldn’t resist and signed up for a St Patrick’s day challenge which started 3/8 and ends 3/17. You have to clock 10 miles during that time.)
I explained all of this to Jay during a conversation last Saturday night. I had a feeling he wasn’t listening. When I asked him if he heard what I was saying, he admitted to have been thinking about the homemade fries I was making.
“You were thinking about the potatoes?”
“Yeah, I’m really looking forward to them.”
Okay, it’s not the first time he doesn’t listen but I told him I hoped I would get my Velcro pouch delivered soon. He didn’t have a clue what I was talking about.
He called me yesterday and said I had gotten the package. He said I had gotten this really, really small backpack delivered. I asked him…
“You have no idea why I ordered that, do you?”
“It’s really small.”
“It goes on my shoe.”
“I knew it had something to do with your shoe! He exclaimed. Why didn’t you get one for all your shoes?”
“You didn’t hear a word I said when I told you about this, did you?”
“I was distracted.”
“Well, now you’ve missed your opportunity.”
“I missed an opportunity?! Would I have won a prize?”
“A prize? Like in a cracker jack package?”
“No, it wouldn’t be worth a cracker jack prize.”
“You really have no idea what I told you.”
“I don’t know what you can fit in there. It’s too small for anything.”
“That’s okay. I’ll take it from here.”
“You’re not going to tell me?”
“No. Why would I do that when don’t listen to me anyway.”
“Did you just say something?"

Stop, pause, grin.
It goes like that. Neither one of us get’s very perturbed about it. I know there are times I talk and he doesn’t listen. It didn’t take anything away from what I got. He doesn’t make a fuss about anything I get and it doesn’t bother him if he doesn’t know why I bought it.
So I’ll keep running and he won’t mind. I guess when I’m out running he knows he hasn’t missed anything I’ve said. Or maybe, to be more accurate, I know he hasn't missed anything.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Can it be Saturday?

I don’t want it to be Monday but it is one of those things that I’ve already started and it is only going forward. I have no real reason except that I wish it was Saturday instead. If I am wishing I might as well go for more right? Just skip over the entire work week and be at my time-off day. The day I get to do what I want whenever.
The weather has started to make its turn for the better and that gets me wanting to be outside. I will be able to sit outside at lunch again. That is always a big highlight of my day. I don’t always want to return to my desk but it does help break up the day and separates some of the chaos that can sometimes occur.
I should think more about vacation but somehow I can slip that under the stack of things to do. I guess I’ll get to the bottom of the stack soon enough. So anyway, enough rambling already!
Monday, right. I need to get it in motion.  It's the only way to get to Saturday.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Forward back

We have gone and lost an hour. We have lost an hour on the weekend. I don’t know who came up with this idea of falling back and springing forward but it seems almost a cruel joke. Naughty! Shame on you!
I have known it was coming and tried not to think on it too hard but now it’s here. The time doesn’t match the way it should look outside. It will take me weeks to adjust. I am realizing how difficult it will be for me to keep my early morning schedule.
The clocks went forward so now instead of getting up at 5:15am, I will be getting up at 4:15. If I get up at the 5:15 I am used to, I will be late and it will really be 6:15. I can still make it to work at that time but what about my writing? I won’t have time. Not at 6:15 with the other things I do in the morning. And I bet the 6:15 will want to drag itself into 6:20 or 6:30.
I will need to condition myself to get up an hour earlier in order to keep things running at my normal pace. Unfortunately, I will also need to adjust my winding down time in the evening. That might prove to be just as difficult since it will still be light out! I will have the advantage of getting more things done in the evening but will I be able to flip-flop the things I do? I am not sure and it’s not feeling so good right now. Then if I do more in the evening how will I ever be able to adjust myself to getting up an hour earlier? So, then…what? I’m stuck in a weird time warp until I can get a handle on it.
Right now it still feels early but the clock is telling me different.
I will start today (albeit late already) without making too much fuss about the time. It is another one of those things I will just have to live with and make the best of.
I will enjoy the extra light at the end of the day. See there…I'm trying to think positive already.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Suck it up

I don't know that I have a lot to say today. I mean maybe I don't have a lot of time to say anything today. Another day with this great spectacular weather and I am not sitting inside all day the way I have been.
Granted, I procrastinated for a while this morning waiting on it to warm up but it didn't take that long. The problem was once I got outside! Wow! Run, wash and detail the car, shower, change...out the door.
I am just back now and it's late! I still have things to do. I just put one load in the laundry, put away the groceries I got, would like to do some quick picking up but also wouldn't mind sitting on the deck with a Land Shark and my feet up. I would probably get the book I've almost finished and bring that out with me.
Then I might have time to get dinner going. I was thinking along the lines of sautéed chicken breast with wild rice, fresh green beans and salad. That got nixed pretty quickly. Jay said, "I know you want to eat healthy but I would rather you breaded and fried the chicken and make homemade shoestring potatoes".
"But I should still make the green beans?"
"No way, not a chance. Suck it up, fláca."
"Okay, then. Can I have more than two Land Sharks?"
"You can have the whole six pack."
Oooh, that probably isn't a good idea. It's going to be hard enough to figure out what's going on with this time change thing happening this weekend...but more about that tomorrow.

I've got a Land Shark to suck up.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Another toy

I went out and got another toy. I was having a conversation at work and my running came up and music and distances and one thing led to another and I found out there is a new gadget available. I was told this gadget can hook up to your iPod and has a program that can calculate your running distances, times, calories, pace. It stores your workout histories and best totals and personal bests. What? Really?
I was a little skeptical since my iPod Nano is a third generation and wasn't sure it would be compatible. I took my skepticism back to my desk and did some research. The site said it was compatible with the iPod I owned. Okay - I pulled out my iPod and started to search my main menu. Sure enough! The program was listed right there already installed. Cool!
I just needed to get the device. I took myself down to the sports store at lunch (yes – top down on the car again). I asked the clerk for the item I was looking for and she pulled it out. I asked a few questions and was getting very excited about getting this new device when the clerk says…this part goes into the shoe. What? In the shoe? Will it work if you don’t have the right shoe?
“No. You have to have the shoe that the device fits into.”
Needless to say I left the store without my gadget and disappointed.
Huh…I didn’t think that could be right. They couldn’t have made a product where everyone has to use that same shoe. I went back to work and did more research.
AHA! Nope…they WANT you to use that shoe but you can get a Velcro pouch to lace it to the top of ANY shoe! I went back to the sports store after work and asked for the device again. Then I asked for the Velcro pouch. They didn’t carry it. I couldn’t get it. But I could…on-line. I would just need to wait for delivery.
I purchased the device and took it home. Then I had the second AHA! I wondered if the shoes I got from Sonny might work. I grabbed the shoes and pulled the padding from one…nope. I picked up the other shoe and I saw the small Red Swoosh Plus on the padding. I pulled it up and sure enough…a slot for the sensor to fit! I put it into the shoe, replaced the padding, clicked on the iPod and it was ready to calibrate. I went out for a short run and TADA! A new toy!

It is a Nike+ Sensor. I bought the Nike+ Sports Kit which came with the sensor and the wireless doggle. I ordered a Velcro pouch on-line so I will be able to use it with any running shoe and not just my Nike Maxair.  It sync's with my iTunes and can also be stored at the Nike+ website to view and set up and monitor my running programs and goals.
Another toy!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

On task

I think I am suffering from an early case of Spring Fever. It may have been the combination of vacation mixed with the slightest change in the weather for the better (Yes – went out at lunch yesterday and the top came down on the car). I am finding my mind doing a lot of wandering but not getting anywhere. I am thinking I want to write more and find myself spending time online basically just passing the time. It isn't even on anything worthwhile.
I found myself flipping through a site that had 65 pictures of celebrities eating. These were pictures obviously taken right at the moment some slim, young pretty was stuffing her gaping mouth with something that I am sure she will be berated for eating if her popularity escalates (or her weight). Yeah...I was busy inanely flipping through picture 61 when I stopped and thought...What am I doing?!?
I can't be sure what is causing my sudden attack of attention deficit. It might be that there isn't a thing I can rant or complain about. Even without an idea or topic each day I have managed to ramble on if for nothing more than to satisfy my mere word count. So I can't even complain that I haven't been able to write.
Fact is I could say I haven't paid much mind to writing my book. I have missed every deadline that I had set up for the first five chapters I was supposed to have completed by March 15. That went out the window (but the weather is so nice I was able to open it for the fresh air). I guess I could complain about that...but somehow it isn't a whole-hearted, deep seeded, coming from the gut complaint. I am not worried about it. I have written more on the book - just not five chapters. I even went back and "touched up" a few things on the first chapter after everyone told me not to do that...just keep writing from where you are they said. I tried that and it didn't sit well. It is still a first draft but at least I feel better after I tweaked a few things – and yes – just a few.
So I am going to blame it all on a very mild case of Spring Fever…which I looked up online – let me see, was it before or after the celebrity mouth stuffing pictures? – not sure, but I found out it’s definition: (For Spring Fever not mouth stuffing, although it could produce the same effects).
A feeling of restlessness, excitement, or laziness brought on by the coming of spring.
If only I could stay on task.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

That man

A few nights ago I was trying to come up with a topic. My mind was sorting through ideas, pulling this one out and discarding it, then pulling another. Then I thought about my recent entries and I had gotten some varied responses from my post Which man from March 4th,
I thought…what if I take that piece and write it again? This blog has always been a tool to help me write, so what better way to try to challenge myself? I thought it might be a good way to push myself creatively.
I gave it a go…
I got through the airport security without any delays and found I had arrived earlier than the guys I would be traveling with. I found an empty seat and dropped my overstuffed carry-on beside me. I probably packed too much for this short presentation. I wanted to be sure I had all my information available if I needed it.  It was the only thing I had been able to think about for the last two weeks. I was glad I had at least remembered to pick up the dry cleaning or I would have been without my best dark slacks. This was an important presentation and if the client was happy it would mean more than just a great return trip home.
It had been rough working all those extra hours.  My entire routine had been thrown off.   But I wasn’t the only one that had put in the overtime. The team had worked really hard. I still would have liked to have gotten that one last item included but we had to keep within our time frame. I could have pitched all night but there was no way I could convince the rest of them how it would fit.  They didn't see it and wanted to stay more conservative on time. 
But where were they? The gate seating area was beginning to fill up. I reached over into my case to retrieve my glasses. I wanted to scan over the file again.
I looked up and the rest of the team were arriving and had found chairs along the other side. I got up and walked over to join them. That’s when I felt that stiff muscle in my leg. It was just another annoyance but I should have known better than to try such a hard workout after missing two weeks because of the presentation.  I could try to tell myself it was the workout and not my age that was becoming more apparent by the stiff muscle and the grey beginning to appear in my hair.  Sure, why not? 
I was greeted by the group and sat again to pull that file. I wanted to look at that last piece of information one more time before boarding. I made a few notes on my legal pad but was pulled into the conversation and finally put them aside. I sat back for the few remaining minutes and all the chairs in the area had been filled.
It was going to be a packed flight this morning.  I'd be glad when this was over with.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Additional research

I am a little amazed I wasn't completely overwhelmed with work yesterday. Maybe this whole take a vacation every now and again is really a good concept. I might have to give it further investigation.
I had not given it too much thought but I would have expected to be a little more frenzied than I actually was upon returning to work. What I know is that I had over 400 emails in the five days I was gone and 52 missed phone calls. What is that all about!? Okay, there was a good portion of emails that were confirmations of work already done and announcements of occurrences that had already transpired. Those were dispelled rather quickly and reduced the large numbers. I didn't even attempt to go through the missed phone calls. I had my phone set up to give the message I would be out so hopefully no one is expecting a call back. At least no one left me a message that sounded like a call needed to be returned.
It did take me a good four hours to get through the work from last week and whittle down the emails to a manageable number. I had a perfect opportunity to get stressed by knowing my boss’s boss would be coming into town today but I had gotten her agenda prepared the week before I left for vacation. There were only a few minor adjustments to make while she was traveling yesterday and it should all be in order when she arrives this morning.
It wasn't too bad. I wasn't expecting the world to stop while I was out but I was expecting it to have more of an effect on me trying to play catch-up. It didn't. Not at all.
I was able to work through my priorities, get my tasks in order and all without the least bit of push from others and (this you won't believe) from myself!
So maybe there is something to this taking time off thing I never "got" before. Somehow it finally worked. It proved to work the way I've heard it should but never let myself experience.
I did so well this time around that I think I will definitely need to do more research on this time-off concept. It's not like I don't have the hours in my vacation bank. I think another week or so of research of this type is something I really might need to consider.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Remember when you were a kid and found a toy you had forgotten about?  Do you remember how when you saw it and pulled it out from all the other toys you had this excited sense of "Oh, Wow!  Look what I found!" come over you?  You sat with it and pulled on it and twisted it and rediscovered all the things it did that made it so much fun to play with.  It was almost as if it was brand new again except better since you knew how cool it already was and you had the chance to do it all over again.
I have been playing with my laptop.  It has given me that childish feeling of excitement.  My Acer Aspire laptop was returned recently and I am getting re-acquainted with it.  I haven't exactly been pulling on it or twisting it but I have been without it for a while and I am thinking how cool it really is.  I had forgotten how very small it is.  The keyboard is a perfect size for me and it weighs all of 2 lbs, if that much.  So I am feeling a little childish as I sit here giving it a go a again as if it were a toy.
I know I will be carting it with me as I make my way through my days.  I will keep my regular size laptop in my workspace upstairs but this baby will come with me.  I have purses I can tuck it into so I can easily stow it to grab and go.  I know there will be lunches I can sit and and use it at my convenience.  I will have it to use any which way and it's only a little bit larger than an index card.  Okay, well maybe it is a lot larger than an index card but that only means I will have more room for notes.
Aren't toys great when you discover one you always thought was cool and haven't used it in a while?  I know I'll be using this one again quite a bit.
"Oh, Wow!  Look what I found!"

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I went out first thing this morning and ran. It felt good and it was definitely one of my better runs. I ran my four mile neighborhood route then when I realized how good I was feeling I lapped myself and added my three mile route onto that. I managed it without too much of a thought.
At about the time I was into mile six of the seven I realized I had actually completed the 10K that I missed yesterday. I wasn’t trying to do that today. I was going out for a 3 or 4 mile run and it turned into seven miles.
That was when I remembered I had checked and the 10K that I ran last year by the coast was yesterday. I knew I wouldn’t be able to participate this year and yet this morning here I was accomplishing it again a year later with a extra mile to spare.
I pushed my training really hard last year to be able to complete that many miles. I had never run that distance and it was sooner in my schedule than I had originally planned. Somehow I managed to get it done although it wasn’t without my share of added stress from everything to a change in the weather to just my first time jitters.
I ended up running the race, feeling thoroughly psyched after it was done, and was able to write a really good piece about something that happened while I was there.
And now it’s a year later. I’ve run more than the 10K on just an ordinary morning run. I still have that piece and a few more since then.
Look what a year can do if you keep at it.
Originally posted April 17, 2009:  A Penny

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hot air

Unlike most females I have never been crazy about the idea of spa treatments. I don’t have my nails done and pedicures are out of the question. I happen to enjoy running as my primary aerobic exercise so my calluses are my merit badges and I need them to protect my feet. Don’t come near me with anything that will smooth them away or I will be hurting on my next run big time.
It was with this poor attitude that I resolved to have a massage while on vacation out of the country. An appointment was made and I was told to arrive 30 minutes early to take advantage of the sauna.
Okay, I have already admitted to being a novice to this situation but I was willing to give it a try and go with all it had to offer. The language barrier might have contributed to some of the misunderstanding but at the time I was doing what I thought I had been told.
I arrived for my appointment and was taken back to change and throw an extra large towel around me. The attendant instructed me to sit in the sauna, shower, and then use the steam room. Okay, I thought, that is simple enough but I asked her how would I know when to change rooms? She didn’t hesitate to tell me that she would come get me.
Oh, good. No problem then. I wasn’t exactly wearing a watch and she never offered a time frame. She would come get me.
I stepped into the sauna and was immediately pummeled by the intensity of the saturating heat. I gingerly sat on the marble bench. Ouch! That is what the large towel is for! You have to sit on part of it or burn your butt. Whew! It was hot!
I was able to position myself to sit on the bench and lean back with my feet up in front of me. Not too bad and I was immediately drenched. I sat for a while and another woman came in and sat. She got up after a few minutes and indicated she couldn’t take it any longer and left.
I should have taken the clue. I heard the jets come on again to fill the room with even more hot steam. I sat. It felt good but it was beginning to feel weird gulping down hot air. My towel was damp, my hair had gone soggy and I was a dripping mess. I closed my eyes and sat a little longer. She would come get me.
I don’t know how long I sat. As I said I wasn’t wearing a watch but she finally came and got me. I asked if I should shower and go into the steam room and a flustered look crossed her face and she shook her head. “No, it’s time for your massage.”
So…then…okay…I shakily made my way to shower and then put on the robe they gave me. My head only began to clear when the massage started and I have to admit everything went well from there.
I said I was a novice to this. I was just following instructions. I don’t know exactly how long I actually spent in the sauna but it seems I now hold the record for the most overcooked American at an International Spa.
What can I say? Are you supposed to lose weight on vacation?
I don't know.  I always was an overachiever.

Home again

I am back in my upstairs office. 
The trip back home yesterday was long and although I was hoping to have time to jot a quick note here when I got back, it didn't turn out that way.  To recap very quickly - our flight arrived back in the States ten minutes late, there was an enormous line at immigration, customs, and security so we missed our connecting flight.
There were no seats available on the other flights back but we were able to catch standby and finally got home after 8:30pm.  Considering we checked out of the hotel at 9:00am it had turned into a long day.
And as good as vacations go, and this one was good, I am glad to be home.

Friday, March 5, 2010

But wait

It is a beautiful morning again.  I can stand on the balcony and hear the water lapping at the edges of the pool and the waves rolling mildly from the ocean in the distance.  Who wouldn't want the sun streaming down and more quiet at this hour than you can ever experience in any city?
Calm and quiet and still.  That is a hugh part of this vacation I couldn't have done without on the few early mornings I actually had the opportunity to experience it.  It seems the calm needed to take me away the most on the first and last mornings of me being here. 
There was more activity that actually transpired when I go back and think about the things we did while we where here.  It seemed at the time we weren't doing enough.  Then it seemed we were here too long, then not long enough.
Now it is time to leave and get back to the getting.

But wait, one last cup of coffee on the balcony.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Which man

I saw him out of the corner of my eye but he caught my attention. It was early on a Monday morning and I would be boarding an international flight with a change of planes at the airlines major hub. I was just sitting down at the gate and had 35 minutes before I would be boarding.
He was facing me but sitting a few chairs down so he was more in profile. I knew he was traveling for business. He wore dark slacks with a crisp button down, long-sleeved shirt. Even sitting I could tell he was tall. He had light hair with maybe the fewest of grey threads running through it. I couldn’t tell the color of his eyes but he turned to reach for his glasses. That flicker was enough to see the pale blue that couldn’t be hidden from the attractive pair of spectacles he placed on his face.
I avoided the chance of staring and reached into my own bag only to grab out a pencil and some index cards. I wanted to jot some notes not being sure I would be able to recover all from memory no matter how pleasing the image. I was able to let my long bangs fall squarely across my eyes. It is a device I have used many times to camouflage my line of sight. It is mostly thought I use this to hide but I also have used it to see when I don’t want others to know what I am looking at.
He stood and gathered his carry-on bag. He was talking to some colleagues and moved to another chair further away but now facing toward me. He slightly favored his right leg as he moved to the new location and I wondered if it wasn’t from an overachieving gym session during the weekend. He sat and pulled a file and legal pad from his case. He wrote some notes and talked to his associates in the normal way of conversation.
He wasn’t of great Hollywood type looks but a definitely pleasing way for me to spend the time waiting on what would be a long flight for me. It isn’t everyday I would be able to sit and watch such attractiveness unobserved and unimposing.
As I was letting my mind settle on my good-fortune I got the funniest feeling. I let my eyes move away from the object of my attention to look over at the people just behind and to the right. As my eyes moved over the crowd I locked eyes with a different man standing and staring back at me. Nervously, I let my gaze drop and went searching through my bag for nothing in particular. I came up with the nothing I was looking for and placed the bag back down.  I cautiously swept the room again and found that other man look away from me just as my eyes reached him and then he turned back and looked at me again.
Oh! Gosh.
I was thoroughly relieved when I saw he wasn’t holding any index cards.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Still trying

I am still not quite sure about how to do this vacation thing. I found myself at ends this morning. We stayed out much later than my norm last night but I don’t think that was the culprit. It wasn’t the amount of alcohol I consumed because I only had three drinks during the course of the entire day.
Granted, I had a mimosa with breakfast, a beer at lunch, and a Martini at cocktail hour but that was it. Oh, yes, and a glass of red wine at dinner but that was it. Maybe the problem is I should have had more.
I got up late and finished a book, then started another. Then I was at ends again and after breakfast I was literally wandering the room until Jay sent me out to run or walk or go use the gym here on the facilities. I decided to run and it helped. The property has excellent paths and areas around the perimeter for just that kind of thing.
I came back and showered and sat on the balcony listening to music on my ipod. I couldn’t quite get the hang of just hanging. I knew we weren’t going to do much today but I was having a hard time just letting nothing happen. Jay then insisted we take advantage of the spa and scheduled a massage for me and him. We had time for lunch and time to hang again for about 45 minutes or so.
I just got back and I should have listened when the massage advice had been given me before. It was one reason I didn’t argue about the appointment being made today.
I don’t know what the massage therapist must have thought about all the knots and creaks I could feel while going through the session. There was no mistaking the amount of tightness that I had somehow horded in my back and shoulders.  I failed to realize exactly the extent of all the tension I had built up.  I am not sure I was there long enough.  

Well, I have more to say but I was only going to take a moment here. I couldn’t think earlier and I might not be doing a good job of it now.
I have been trying to take more pictures but Jay told me to stop taking them of every Iguana I see. He was right and I stopped. How many Iguanas does anyone need to see? I also seem to be using pictures as my food journal. I have a picture from breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday (and breakfast and lunch today).  Does anyone want to see plates of food? 
I did realize from the pictures that I ate all vegetarian yesterday without meaning to. Give me a buffet and what do I do? I seem to head for all that fresh stuff that’s there. I added scrambled eggs to my plate this morning but lunch took a turn to meatless again. There is just too much fresh stuff here to choose from and well, if it counts for anything, I did have some really great fresh cheeses at lunch both days.
So I meant to pull away now. I have a beer waiting and some sun. I will try again tomorrow. And maybe I can get a lobster or steak for dinner tonight. I am sure I can. And another Martini would be nice…
Till 'morrow.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I was up earlier but offline.  I have since showered, and ready to disembark from my room but thought I had a moment to log-in.  It is really making me smile and grin as I come to blogger and my dashboard has been translated into Spanish.  Compatir...Crear unblog...acceder.   Accede a tranés de tu cuenta de Google.  Nombre de usuario.  Constarseña.  Recordarme (?)
The funny thing that was happening yesterday was that I was so tired I kept dropping everything but my Spanish came right to mind.  I was speaking better Spanish than Jay and he is the one that speaks it, not me.  Once the hotel personnel knew we understood you could see them relax to be able to converse in their own language.  The problem was I found myself answering as Jay paused and stuttered.  It was odd and I mentioned it to him later but he just reminded me of all the things I had dropped and how many times.  Okay, fair enough.
So I need to get out of the room now...really.  I will post a bit I wrote earlier here...and maybe a few pic's...
Sitting outside on my hotel balcony this morning with my cup of coffee is like me sitting in my upstairs office at home. There I am a floor above so I have the attitude of viewing things from a different level. I face windows to look out into the morning and I can hear the neighborhood sounds.
The hotel balcony faces out at that different level to see the sky and clouds like open windows. Instead of the street there is a meandering pool and further out is the beach. I can hear its mild roar and a different variety of bird calls but the quiet at this hour is unbelievable. And sitting outside where the earth has already warmed dispels any slight in temperature I would normally feel.
Shhh! Don’t wake me. I want to spend a little more time on this part of the dream.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Being beckoned

It has been a long day for me and I was just able to get my hotel room internet set up.  I almost didn't think I would be able to get it at all since my aircard wasn't international and I wasn't able to pick up wireless in my room.  I was resigned to the fact that I would have to forgo any postings until later.  I thought I could still write (and I would have) but not shared anything and would have lost a few days here on the blog.  I talked to the concierge and found out there is wireless in the main lobby but they actually gave me a cable to hook myself up in the room itself.  That is where I am now but I am tired.  I started the day at my usual time as if I was going to work but instead headed out of the country.
I will have to clear my head and let you know more later.  I can tell you today was actually a little stressful.  I know, I know.  Why stressful?  I am on vacation but not now.  I'm tired.  
I will say we arrived at 2:45 this afternoon and was greeted with a glass of champagne as we checked in.  Gratis, of course.  Everything here is gratis and paid for.  
But like I already said.  I'm tired.  I am going to sit on my second floor balcony and watch the ocean for a while.
Maybe tomorrow I will have my thoughts more organized.  I have an interesting tale of a man in the airport from this morning but there is no way I can tackle my index card notes now.  Ocean,  ocean...the sliding door is open and beckoning me...
I hear the ocean.  I can't resist it any longer.  I won't resist it any longer.