Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another art form

I am in need of some retail therapy. I know it is only Wednesday and I will need to wait until the weekend to make a trip like that worth it’s while but I can still feel a strong need coming on. There seems to have been quite a few distractions for a much longer period of time than usual to keep me from shopping lately. I have known I wanted/needed to get a few new things but have put them off for what seems like an astounding number of reasons. This procrastination has led to some major shortening in the number of clothing options I have available.
You see, I am very – no VERY – good about saying goodbye to garments that are:
• Old
• Faded
• ill-fitting
• Un-stylish
• Un-flattering
• What was I thinking when I bought this?!?
I do not keep any of the items that fall into the above category. In fact, I keep a laundry basket in my closet for just such items. If I find after laundering something that has really outlasted its stay – it goes into the laundry basket. If I wear a garment that I realize is unflattering or doesn’t fit well anymore – it goes into the laundry basket. The laundry basket accumulates items and when full (like now) it gets donated to charity. My rule is that once something is placed in the laundry basket I cannot take it out again. I did that once, wore the removed item, and immediately realized why I had put it in there in the first place. I haven’t done it again.
So now I am at the point of a full (almost overflowing) laundry basket but no replacements. This week alone I have placed four items into the basket! I’m not sure how I had managed to keep a particular button down shirt but when I wore it recently I felt like I was wearing my big sisters hand-me down. It was slightly faded and too big. The problem here is I don’t have a big sister so what was I thinking when I bought that?!?
Whatever you call it: retail therapy, shopping, buying, acquiring, putting my flair for style in motion and all the while enjoying the search through racks of possible treasures. I can take this, skip that, try all that might have a possibility and discard all that don't work, keep the things that do, then start over again.
It can be an art form all on its own if you know how to do it.
I know how and I am way past due for this type of art.


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