Friday, October 20, 2017

No Lists

What to do?

I've made plans and lists and goals. I found a list I wrote at the beginning of 2017. It was concise with well thought out elements. It was quick, easy to read and understand covering the areas of interest. It was a good example of all the things I should do in order to get myself going and accomplish everything I thought I needed to get done. I didn't get any of it done.

It wasn't the lists fault. It wasn't too far out of my range. I could have done everything on the list. I didn't make wild and crazy goals. So why didn't it work?

It isn't that it didn't work. I had real life going on to stick with any list. There were other priorities that needed immediate attention. I put the list away and did the things that happened each day. Some of the things I did included portions of what was on the list but to go back now and say I did what I wrote down wouldn't be accurate.

It's a good list. It's a good reminder of where my thoughts were back at the beginning of the year. I can still use elements of what it contained but to think it's all going to get done in any decided amount of time would be unrealistic. And it isn't really needed. I've done plenty without following a list at all.

So what do I want to do today?


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