Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Here it is the end of another month and rush, rush, rush is all I think I've been doing.  I'm don't know what has happened to all the days that occupy an entire month but they are flashing by like train cars at full throttle. Don't blink or you will miss them and such are these past month of days.
I must be blinking too much.  Or someone needs to slow down this train.
Pull the break and start up again.  Whoa there, Nelly, figure this out.  It's time to stop letting everything whoosh by leaving me in the dust and wind.  That ain't feeling so good.  Time to manage this rush and take it under control.  Slowing up will give me the edge if I'm able to keep consistent.  Time to keep it low and slow with a constant bubble.  No great feats need to be accomplished just a regular doing of what needs to be done.  And we will see how it goes.


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