Saturday, November 7, 2009

Do it

I woke early as usual this morning with a 55 degree temperature and 100% humidity. Dense fog was hanging low on the tops of the neighborhood fences. It had been a while since I have been out on a weekend run and I had been fearful of attempting it with all the health concerns that had penetrated my brain. Somehow, all the reasons I could muster to avoid running where out there for the taking. I shuffled the why I shouldn’t go out reasons like cards and it seemed I had a full house if I wanted to play that hand. I didn’t think I wanted to play that hand. I wanted to go out but felt I needed to make some type of compromise.
“Okay, you. If you are planning on going out there, you need to make it a walk. You can go with your 3 mile route in the neighborhood with the goal to only walk and if you feel the slightest bit of dizziness or light-headedness, you stop, rest and come back.”
So I had a goal – walk 3 miles. I wish I could say I achieved it but I didn’t.
I started by attempting to avoid my desire to go out and tried to occupy my early morning time by sitting in front of my computer to give me a diversion. It was still slightly dark and the fog was really intense. It was colder than I would like. Give it some time. I knew I would have to dress accordingly but that wasn’t a problem. Besides, I am only walking. I can wear my black Nike crop running pants and my long sleeved top. I thought about it and checked another web site. I checked a link to a bowling league site belonging to a friend of mine. I had been given an honorary T-shirt of the team and had it hanging in my closet. I knew the site never updates before Tuesday but I was stalling and thought I could figure out more of the numbers posted from last week that I never quite understand since I don’t bowl. I was surprised to see the most recent numbers were posted and they were in first place! Oh! I checked again since I wasn’t sure but, yes, it seemed it was…points won, pins +HDCP, team ave, high game…all higher than any other teams – First Place!
Then the thought, shuffle those reason cards again…fog…this honorary t-shirt is primary red. I could wear that to deflect the fog. I am going to walk. My honorary team is in first place and I’m sitting here doing nothing. Not a chance.  No more sitting around.

My goal was to walk 3 miles. I got dressed, plugged myself in to my iPod and went out the door. I started out, up the street and tried to pick up my pace. I tried. I tried to keep walking. I was out there, it was good, but I couldn’t keep walking.

No. I started out really wanting to walk the 3 miles and I couldn’t.

I ran the rest of the way.


Anonymous said...


Glad we could be an inspiration to your running. Tre sent the team a link to this entry. You have made my day, just as we made your day.

Just KEEP Doing It!!!!!


PS I am awaiting the next batch of Cetta cookies

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