Friday, March 18, 2011

Half a billion strong

I have been reading some data about blogger.  It looks like they are the sixth largest website in the world and blogger users have published more than half a billion posts.  I guess I can say I have actually contributed one or two to their numbers.  At least one or two or 32 or 100 or 500 or what is my number up to since 4/11/09?  Let's just say I've posted a very little bit that contributed to the more than half a billion posts that blogger is acknowledging. 
I didn't start this blog knowing anything about it.  I knew nothing of blogging, posting, big sites, small.  The only thing that was going through my head when I found blogger  Here is this nifty tool.  It all came down to an idea for me to trick myself into being responsible to myself.
I wanted to write.  I had started a story.  I had four paragraphs (maybe five).  I couldn't get past those few paragraphs.  Every time I would start to write on it, I would re-read it and edit it.  I would edit it again and again and then I would edit it again.  I had that same four (maybe five) paragraphs for a good three months.  I'm not exaggerating.  I couldn't get past my own editing.  I knew I needed to do something about it, but what?
That is when I found blogger and  Here is this nifty tool.
I figured I could write a post here on blogger.  My rule would be...once I published the post I could NOT go back and edit it.  I could only write another.  It turned into my tool for writing.
It seemed to be working.  I was getting past four paragraphs.  It pushed me forward. 
After a while I discovered it had added benefits.  I was becoming more disciplined in showing up to write.  I was having to come up with more things to write about.  I was better able to distinguish the garbage posts from the better posts (although I sometimes publish the garbage anyway - sorry, it's tough sitting here talking to myself sometimes.)  I was writing more often to get in my daily word count.  I was learning each time I sat down to put words on an empty page.
So good for blogger and it's accomplishments.  I'm glad to hear it's going well.  I didn't realize how well.
I knew it had been going well for me.


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