Thursday, September 3, 2009

Feeling terrific

I swore to myself up and down that I wasn't going to step near the laptop today since I was feeling so drained. I swore I would stay away to be still and get some rest. I really don't feel well. Any normal person would stay home and not do anything except recover. I guess that is what a normal person would do. How would I really know since I so don't seem to be one of those, those normal people. I just keep trying to continue my day to day as if I felt fine but the reality is I do not. Did I say I was tired and felt drained? My head hurts too much to try to remember. But my head only hurts because I am feeling so tired from this effing sore throat.

Don't worry. I am not infecting anyone or anything. I am not sneezing or blowing my nose or doing the disgusting things that could spread this infectious parasitical illness type disease that has invaded the confines of my throat that is now a raw burning energy draining....okay. I'll stop now. I hate being sick and hate not being able to snap my fingers and feel terrific when I should be feeling terrific. I swore I wasn't going to push today. I swore I was going to take it just a bit easier and rest. I swore to myself it was okay if I took a break and didn’t write, but dang.

I did.



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