Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stop poking

There was a lot going on when I came home from work yesterday.  I couldn't park in my usual spot in the driveway because there was a landscaping truck parked blocking it.  It was filled with tree branches and debris.  I pulled my car up a little farther and parked on the side of the road nearer my neighbor and made my way into our house.  Jay was there sitting inside while watching a small crew of three men take down a tree in the backyard. He had worriedly complained to me only a week ago how he knew the tree had died and he was nervous it might fall toward the house and do some damage.  He had found someone to take care of it and haul it away.  It was almost done.
It needed to be done, I knew, but the timing of having to pay out an unexpected amount to do it only helped to pain me just a bit.  Not a lot, but a definite poke.  By that time I had Dante on the phone quizzing me about cookies.  It was no wonder I was having a hard time keeping up with his questioning since my mind was starting to swirl around costs.  It was a different kind of poke I felt this time but it was still there.  As I think about it now I am feeling like I am in the limbo of smallish financial issues.  You see, I am also planning on making a trip to my own personal paradise this weekend and that is a whole 'nuther set of pokes in the pocketbook.  It isn't a bad set and I've paid for portions of it already but it seems when you are topping it off with other ventures you hadn't timed exactly right it can throw you off for just a moment.  Like not being able to park my car in it's usual spot and having to find another.  But soon enough whatever has blocked my way will open up and I can move the car to it's proper spot again. 
There was a lot going on in a short amount of time yesterday.  There isn't any real problem with settling these small issues and they will all be soon behind me.
Besides, it wasn't too long before I was finally able to move my car to it's regular spot.


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