Sunday, July 24, 2011

Godspell Revival

A girlfriend of mine from work is leaving for New York City tomorrow.  She is very excited about it and was counting down the days and letting me know she had gotten tickets for David Letterman and Wicked.  All the talk and excitement had me wishing I was going to NYC.  I would love to see another Broadway show.  I thought about it so much I went out and searched for the newest of Broadway shows.  I thought I had found a few that sounded very interesting but then I came across this interesting bit of information.
Godspell will open in previews at Broadway's Circle on the Square Theatre on Oct. 13, with an opening night of Nov. 7 at the
Circle in the Square.
It seems they are doing a revival of this show in previews in NYC that dates back to the late 1970's.  Ah, well, yes...I would know because I was actually IN a small home-town local production (one I actually produced with a partner of mine) way back when in 1977.  It was a stretch of years that I spent a majority of my time around live theatre.  Here is the original stencil I made for posters and I also used it to paint the backs of cotton denim work shirts for the entire cast.
Rather nifty?  Don't you think?  I did it freehand and it mostly looks like the original. 
All this thinking back had me pulling out some old stuff from that production.  Then I started playing around with some of the technology that I know nothing about and thought it might be interesting if I could figure out how to make a clip of what I had.  So with some trial and error I put together a 34.5 second clip.  I have it for you just below.  It isn't too long if you don't mind hearing me sing during one of our live performances from microphones set up at the front of the stage on a reel-to-reel recorder back in 1977. 
What the heck!  I'm only giving you a short bit if you don't mind the listen.  It takes me way, way back...
Maybe we weren't exactly Broadway...but then, who would think we would have the technology now to listen to something that took place so many years ago?  Heck, who would think I would be able to figure out the technology to put it together so you could hear me way back from 1977-  right now?


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