Saturday, July 9, 2011

Socially unsocial

Saturday morning - let's get moving.  Okay, so I watched the clock on my nightstand go past the time I would have needed to get up and join a running group at work.  There I go being un-social again.  I used the time to have coffee (several cups) and actually read the few e-mails I had instead.  There were only a few e-mails since I have unsubscribed to all the nonsense I was getting and it seemed to have worked and I'm not getting an inbox full on well - nonsense.  Good move on my part.  I then needed to do some accounting, move money here, push it there, bring it in and send it out.  Done.  It was still early and a good time to hit the grocery before the masses assembled.  I chose the smallest store in the area.  Another good move, except it seemed the early morning natives of the area were giving me looks, like I was trespassing.  Who is this person, she isn't a regular and why does she think she can invade our area, watch out.  One woman actually scowled at me.  Maybe she was just having a bad morning having to shop early and maybe she hadn't had coffee (several cups) yet. I didn't go near her but instead went about my shopping and even had a brief conversation with a different lady that was behind me.  She thought we all should be skinnier with the prices being so high.  Is that how it works?  I refrained from looking to see what she had purchased and hoped the check-out hurried with my yellowtail tuna steaks and Kashi Go-Lean.
So now it's a brief stop home to get things put away but I am forcing myself to be a little social and go to the gym instead of hoofing it outside right now.  It might prove to be slightly more social since there will be others there but I really don't expect any socialization to go on.  Hopefully, no one will scowl at me.  I can get it out of the way before lunch and then, well and then...whatever it might be it will hopefully be another good move on my part.
It seems to be going well so far if you discount the scowling.


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