Friday, July 29, 2011

Finding inspiration

How many times have I stared at a blank page with no idea of what to put on it?  As many times as I have sat down to write something, and that is more than a few, there have been as many that I didn't think I would have a thought to write down.  (Maybe there really wasn't but let me keep on kidding myself here, okay)?  Somehow, it never stayed blank and empty.  (Maybe it should have but go with me here). 
I realized that these thoughts can come from anywhere and at any time.  They can be simple or complex.  They can come in a flash or take time to be thought out.  I wouldn't have believed if anyone had told me before learning to accept it myself that inspiration can happen when I didn't always think it was possible.  It would happen as long as I knew how to read what I was seeing as an inspiration.  That took time and practice and trial and error.  It took many times staring at a blank page thinking nothing was there.
I learned I must never put off or wait to do anything until I am inspired.  I found out that it is in the doing that brings the inspiration and the ability to recognize it in places and things I never would have suspected it would be.  It was there waiting for me to arrive and if I didn't move toward it I wouldn't see it.  Of course, I don't always know I am moving toward it sometimes which makes it all the trickier but so much more exciting when it happens.  It proves to me that you can't wait to be inspired but you will be as you keep going.  It's a simple matter of finding it.
21 day habit gambit - 2 days completed - 19 to go.


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