Saturday, July 23, 2011


I've started a grocery list.  I need to give the kitchen a good cleaning.  It's time for me to take my car in for it's 25,000 miles maintenace.  I haven't had a run. 
Maybe this is the second list I've started today.  All those things one after another.  Simple, ordinary, everyday things that wait until the weekend to get done.  When I have more time and no schedule.  When I get to pick and choose when I want to do this one or that one.  When I decide if it's better for one to be done before or after the other.  When I choose if it gets done today or later because something else that wasn't on the list comes up and takes priority.
But right now I'm only sorting through the lists on paper and in my head.  Already I've thought of a few more things that should get done.  That is how is goes sometimes.  The morning sorting and sifting, thinking and plotting the precious hours that I get.  They aren't really all mine.  There are always the things that need to get done that are more obligation that others.  But it makes a nice mix and would I really appreciate the truly free things I do if I didn't accomplish the more necessary?
But no time for questions and answers.  Doing is the plan for the day.  I'm up for it and need to get started.  I already have all these things to do on my lists!


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