Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Free time

I've cleared a section of my desk that I had cluttered with my notes and binder and index cards and random papers with notes.  It didn't take nearly as much time as I would have thought.  I read through most of what I had and then gathered them together and put them aside.  They don't really contain any more than I already have going on, or learned, or know at this point.  I seem to keep on reminding myself of the same things and have become my own broken record or now-a-days that would be my own song on repeat, looping around to the same tune over and again.
I got it already.  At least I have enough at this point to not have to continually remind myself of every last detail or be my own cheerleader to keep the confidence level just above the line to keep me from quitting.  It seems crazily ridiculous because the only one I'd be quitting on would be myself if that is what I decided to do.  (Insert smile here). 
I used an application called one note to organize my binder, index cards and various papers on line.  It's easier to organize and add/edit then my handwritten lines pages in my binder.  It took some time to enter all of it but now that I have it done I can see where it might work.
So there is more room on my desk, it doesn't look like a disorganized mess and total distraction.  I also went through my e-mails and unsubscribed to all the notes I got that I didn't really need to see.  It's made a difference already.  So I've been clearing paths and decluttering all around me.  More room, less clutter, less distractions.  It might work itself into a formula for more time.  I could sure use more of that if it's free.


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