Friday, July 8, 2011

Just regular tired

This time last week I was so tired I couldn't think.  The long weekend had arrived and I had hopes of getting measurable things done.  Measurable.  As it goes more often than not, the only thing that I got done measurably was nothing.  Can you actually measure that?  Well, if you could it would be the only thing I got gone and if you can't than, well, I still will have done nothing.  Too tired.
A week later I'm not so tired.  I'm not sure I'll get all that much done but at least I won't be held back by extreme exhaustion.  Hopefully...well, no.  I know there was a definite difference from the way I felt then and the way I feel now.  I'm not so tired now.  Just regular tired.  You know.  End of the week tired but not...okay.  Maybe I don't need to get into my levels of tiredness and why/how/can they be measured.
The only thing I need now is a shower and book.  Not at the same time.  First shower...then book.  And yes, I finished the book from the last post (thankfully!).  I've started another different book and it is going much better, thank you.  I did recently receive a note saying I might be interested in a site called shelfari.  I am not the silly, oh-someone said I should do this so let me jump into it, type of person anymore.  Learned the hard way.  I did some research and I can't find enough information to make me want to join.  It seems to be a book library, lending, storing, site that has recently merged with amazon.  You can link up with other people to suggest books or have them suggested, I guess.  It claims to be the social network for book readers.  NIX.  Sorry, wrong answer.  I am not socially network acceptable.  I've proven it - twice.  I took it's little tour (which said nothing) and it wanted me to sign in.  NOPE.  I don't sign in to anything anymore without knowing what will happen afterward.  It doesn't always turn out to be a good thing.  But for now...a relaxing evening.
Shower, book, night-night.


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