Monday, August 30, 2010

Me? Stubborn?

"My foot feels better but I don't think it's 100%.  I'm paranoid that if I start running too soon I'll mess it up again and have to be out even longer."
"You need to go back to the doctor."
"I don't want to go back to that doctor.  If I was going to see a doctor I think I want to see a sports injury doctor but not that doctor I went to before."
"Then go to a sports injury doctor."
"I don't know who to go to.  I'll have to talk to some people and see if anyone knows of someone I could go see."
"Let me call you back."

"Here, write down this phone number."
"What for."
"So you can call and set up an appointment to see this sports doctor."
"You found a sports doctor?"
"Yes, it wasn't very hard.  You just needed to look.  Are you ready?"
"I've got a lot of things going on right now."
"Take down the number and call them.  Are you ready?"
"Okay, yes, okay...what it is."

"What's that sticky note on your phone?"
"Jay made me write down a number to a sports doctor."
"Why is it stuck to your phone?"
"I'm supposed to call and make an appointment."
"So why is it still stuck to your phone?"
"I haven't called yet."
"What are you waiting for?"
"I've been busy."
"Okay, I'm walking back to my desk so you can call...I'm walking...I don't here you dialing."

My appointment to have my foot - torn achilles stuff that has been keeping me from running - was this morning.  Yes, I finally dialed the number and set up the appointment.  I was getting a little harried to say the least.  It's been four weeks since I've run and I was not all that hopeful.  I made the appointment and went in to see the sports doctor this morning. 
So get this...the doctor says I have a perfectly healthy foot.  Yes.  He said I have a strain and needed to take care of the inflammation and he gave me two anti-inflammatory prescriptions.  One is a weeks dose of a fast acting anti-inflammatory and the other I take simultaneously with the fast acting but for 30 days.  But then he wants me to come back in a week to see him again.  My next appointment is for next Wednesday. 
But the doctor said my foot was healthy and he pretty much said the rest is mental.  He didn't mean I am a hypochondriac.  He said I was pushing too hard.  My foot was sore and tired but my brain was ignoring it.  He used the example of a person practicing throwing a baseball for long periods of time.  He would eventually stop and realize his arm was sore but would start up again without allowing himself to rest and re-coup.  There wasn't anything medically wrong with his arm but it was still sore from going at it so long and hard.
So I was pushing too hard yet my brain was telling me I could keep going when my foot was trying to tell me it needed a break.  So the fatigue finally caught up to my brain and registered the foot pain.  I had been ignoring it for a long time.  That foot was pissed - inflammed to be exact.
I took my pills today and will see the doctor again in a week.  I think he's going to talk me through some start up training that I should be looking at realistically.

Um.  Am I supposed to feel stupid that my foot is okay?  No, probably not, but I could use that as a diversionary tactic to avoid feeling stupid that my brain doesn't listen too well.  It doesn't listen too well when my body needs a break or when someone tries to tell me what's good for me.  I wonder where it got that?


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