Saturday, August 14, 2010

Strike plan A

This morning I knew I wanted to get myself to the gym to try a yoga class a friend had suggested. I have been stressing about not being able to run and for not doing anything by way of exercise which has not helped my stress level. I can ball myself up pretty tightly if I don’t watch it. Yoga seemed a good choice since it would be quiet and concentrating on my center yet stretching muscles and feeling like a massage of sorts. It sounded like a good thing for me to try.
I got myself ready and went out in time for the yoga class. I got myself situated and the class got started. It was going along fairly well. The breathing, the moves, the stretching were all seeming to work well. That was when I realized that one move that was a go-to in between other moves might have been a little too much for my right foot. The repetitiveness of, what I think they call the “dog down”, was beginning to aggravate my injury. Oh great. I was only half way through the class. Luckily, we moved on to other things that involved sitting and taking the weight off the legs – and my bum foot. That seemed to be going better until I started to get toe cramps.
I don’t know if you ever have experienced toe cramps. I get them sometimes in the evenings. It is a nasty little uncontrollable tightening of the toes that make them curl up on their own and cause pain. It can sometimes go on for 3-4 minutes and once one foot is done the other usually starts. The only way I have known to get relief is to get up, walk around, bounce the toes up and down off the floor while standing in place or coaxing them straight by contorting or pulling them into their proper places. It’s not fun and most people don’t know what’s wrong with you when you try to relieve an attack, not to mention two, while they are ending their workout by breathing deeply into scented towels. I guess they all might have been wondering what was going on with the new girl in the class. Or possibly not. They may be so good at this yoga thing that they were all centered and breathing deeply and didn’t notice me and my contorted toes. I would hope for that option.
I guess yoga isn’t going to work for me. I did have my swimsuit and after class I changed and spent at least 15 minutes in the lap pool. That might have actually helped. I’ll figure something out. I have to. My foot isn’t better. I can still feel it’s not right but I can’t sit around. I can at least say I tried yoga and can cross it off the list. Now I can go on to the next.
There should always be a plan B, right?  I am thinking next time to cycle for a while and then try the pool again. That might prove to be the lower impact and non-weight bearing exercises I need right now. 
That might be the way for me to go.  Hopefully I won't need a plan C.     


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