Saturday, August 28, 2010

Stop the writing

I saved a draft that I wrote yesterday morning even though I knew I would never post it.  It definitely was one of those that - thank goodness - I had the sense to know it was utter garbage.  Why I even saved it I am not sure but I knew the discipline of writing was good even if the content was a pity party with me as the only attendee.  Like I said - thank goodness - I had some sense to know I wasn't posting I said yesterday...I am not ever posting this but have to get some words written because somehow I can't seem to stop the writing no matter how bad I am at it. I'm better than the bad I was before, but so bad I can't...
Egads (or should that be eGads)!  Either way I was feeling miserable and it went on for a good 250 words and I thankfully ran out of time and stopped.  The feeling lingered with me that morning but not as it has done in the past.  Somehow I was able to flip my own switch to cut it out and stop the negativity very quickly.  Truth be told, I have been re-reading some of my pieces and am realizing there is something there.  I can try to dump on myself but I am proving that to be a harder debate with myself than it used to be.  I have no real reason not to forge ahead and continue.  Why not?  I can try to complain but why?  And complain about what and to whom?
My ability was positively reinforced when I got a reaction from a very short piece I let someone read yesterday.  I had to go back to that person and thank them before I left work.  I am particularly proud of it because I think I was able to capture an important element in writing.  This particular element is to be able to conjure a picture of what I am relaying on the page in the readers head and that was exactly what my reader said happened while they were reading it.  "It was like a short movie in my head." 
I knew that one was a good piece.  Yesterdays draft was utter garbage and I knew that too but I wrote anyway and was able to build something here from the garbage.  That's the way it works.  Keep writing.  Good pieces and utter garbage.  I call it work.  I call it discipline.  I call it writing.
 ...somehow I can't seem to stop the writing...


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