Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dr appt

And again today I have another appointment after work although this one is of a more professional (Dr.) appointment instead of the mere hair appointment I had yesterday.  It's just a yearly preventative check-up type visit but I will need to bring up the dreaded iron deficient blood problem I seem to have been suffering through the past two years.  The suffering was mostly caused by the extensive amount of doctors and specialist I was required to see and the multitude of unwarranted tests I was persuaded to undergo.  They couldn't seem to pinpoint a reason for my iron deficiency and wanted to check off every possibility from their clipboard list so it would come to an enormous total at the bottom that they could charge my insurance company.  I think that was the only thing guiding them because they didn't seem to have any insight or even try to think of any real medical reasons for making me have the tests done.  How very frustrating for me to keep seeing and paying different specialists to give some thought into a diagnosis and all they did was give me test after test without any regard to common sense and a lack of symptoms that you would think might trigger the need for a particular test in the first place! 
But today I am only going for a check-up but I will need to broach the fact that I have not had a blood test since my iron problem seems to have finally been taken care of since last December.  I am or was confident that it truly had been taken care of.  I say "was" because there was a recent blood drive at work and I was turned away for not coming up to their standard for the necessary iron levels.  It seems they needed a number of 38 to donate and I only hit the number 37.  It bummed me out all day.  I was so confident that everything was in place and I ended up getting turned away for too low an iron level albeit by one point.
So, I will ask the Doctor about it.  I am sure there will be a test on his chart he will be able to check-off for me to get done.  Hopefully it won't lead to another and than another test but I have learned to exercise my own insight and common sense when asked to have these tests done.  It won't be the first doctor that doesn't particularly like to see me because of all the questions and arguments I've been known to give them.  Ah, well.  At least they are now seeing and hearing me instead of a list and balance at the bottom of a clipboard.


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