Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What to do

I am not sure what I am going to do.  I know I need to get my (fat) butt to the gym today.  I cannot believe the time I am spending piddling away with no future in sight to go back to running.  I think I have forgotten everything I knew about it.  I can't seem to pull up a memory of my last run or the ones before.  (Okay, I think I remember my last run and it wasn't pleasant with the pain in my foot).  I can't seem to remember how I did it, when I did it, why I did it?  I am not sure if my foot was completely healed, fine, and ready to go right this minute that I would even remember what to do next.  It feels like it has been ages since I've run.  At this point, I am not sure I could even run again if I could.  How?  I don't remember how.
Well, nevermind.  My foot is not healed.  I can't run if I remembered how and I need to stay focused that I can't do a lot of anything else until it is finally fixed.  So I will attempt another trip to the gym and do something simple like ride one of their stationary bicycles.  It's not weight bearing, I (hopefully) won't have to put any extra strain on my foot and I have to do something! 
It will probably be boring but I have a book to try to hold my attention.  It's a paperback which is better than me trying to read one that is electronic.  I don't think I want to be sitting on a bike with my mini-acer even if it's about the same size of a hardback.  What a complete geek I would look like - not that I don't already - look like a geek or at least feel like one now that I don't know what I am going to do.
So bike today, maybe a swim after.  I don't know, I will see but I will at least get myself there to the gym this afternoon.  I have to do something.


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