Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Letting it go

I have to say this just to get it over with and then let it go. I was certainly a little frustrated with trying to post pictures yesterday! I cannot believe I had such an incredibly hard time trying to put some pictures, text and formatting to what should be a fairly easy task. I tried over and over and over for (I think) more than two hours and still ended up with two pictures not showing up!

I will be the first to admit I am not the techiest person around but I can usually maneuver a photo and text. But not on this site! I had all my pictures ready and in order and realized at first that you have to upload them backward (last to first) otherwise your last photo will appear at the top of the post. Okay, I figured that out (oh, and only five uploads at a time). Then my text was all over the place. It didn't make any sense and the spacing was all off. I tried really hard to get it looking like something other than a mess. Somehow during the formatting I lost a picture. Oh great! I upload it again and (of course) it's at the top of the post when it should be close to the end. I can't move it! I tried to drag it down and can't get it to where I want it. Then I notice with all this formatting and dragging and time passing, another photo has disappeared! After two hours you think it would look, you would think it would look...good! And it just doesn't have the flow that it should have if .....ahhhgh well.

So, it was a mess of time and it didn't turn out as well as I would have liked. At least you can see the pictures that are there and I did take them all myself on Monday morning during a different two hours that I actually enjoyed.
So here are the two pictures that didn't get posted yesterday. It's a shame they aren't in the right order and I am not even sure why I went to the trouble of adding them now anyway.

I guess two hours give or take on any given vacation day is okay. I'll let it go at that.



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