Saturday, October 2, 2010

Odd but nice

I am supposed to be folding laundry.  I have it all spread out on my bed but I also brought my laptop down and had it on the bed, too.  Guess which one I touched first.  Yes, give that person a prize, you are correct, the laptop!  It's all of almost four in the afternoon on a Saturday that started out brilliantly.
I knew I would be heading out to the Runners haven this morning so I was up early.  It was a beautiful sunny morning (well, not sunny just yet) and 66 degrees.  I put on the coffee and pulled on my running shoes (everything else, too, don't be silly).  I had time for a slice of whole wheat toast and then out the door.  Heavenly, it was heavenly.  I've always left the distances we run on these Saturday departures to my friend I have gone there with and she wanted to do 12 miles today so that is what we did.  It's the longest distance I've done since recovering from my foot injury and it felt good.  It warmed up to 75 degrees by the time we finished and were heading home.
After a shower I did a few things around the house including starting some laundry.  I cleaned the kitchen and not much else for a while except grabbing a plum and half a ham sandwich.  I decided to get out of the house for a while but didn't really have any direction and ended up at the bookstore.  I didn't have any idea of what I wanted to read or pick up but I figured a little browsing never hurt. I immediately thought of stopping there for coffee but the outside tables were filled and I would have loved to have had my laptop with me and I didn't so I nixed that thought and went straight into the bookstore.  I had picked up another book recently after my netbook disappeared but now only 80 pages into it and I can tell I am not enjoying it too much.  It's a pity since I read one other by this British author and I enjoyed it.  Maybe it's just the timing and the story for me right now or maybe just a good enough reason to find another book at the store.  Shhh!  Like I won't finish that British authors book anyway!
So I did make a purchase and on the way back to my car I had the oddest food craving.  I admit, maybe not odd for me, but probably odd for a good 99.9% of the public.  I wanted yogurt.  And I didn't want that fruit blended sweet stuff that is so popular. Oh no, not that at all.  I was craving the thick, tangy, custardy goodness of real Greek yogurt and not even the yoplait stuff - I mean the good Greek stuff like made by Greeks not the French (Isn't yoplait French)?  Plain.  Or maybe with a fistful of fresh blueberries thrown in.  I know, I know, I admitted this already - that only I would possibly crave...CRAVE...the definitely distinctive acquired taste of pucker your mouth ever so slightly but gloriously smooth and roll your eyes it's so good Greek yogurt.  THIS yogurt.  Not your schoolkids sugary, sweet, put in your lunchbox stuff.  No, of course not.  I did grin when it came over me.  What a splendid indulgence, I thought, especially since I truly knew that to me it was and possibly not to anyone else.  I can hear them now, "Gad, what's up with that girl, she craves Greek yogurt of all things!"
But I satisfied myself instead with coming home and having a really good cup of coffee (two).  I will get that really tangy Greek yogurt (and maybe some blueberries) tomorrow.  Oh yes I will, don't doubt it.  It was a powerful craving that will not go unsatisfied.  Just give me a moment to close my eyes, smile, and savor the thought of it. 

Okay, that's good.
I guess I have to fold some laundry now.


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