Saturday, March 26, 2011

Normal work day

I'm not sure why I got up so early.  It was one of those mornings that I didn't have to get up but I did.  There wasn't any reason to stay in bed since I was wide awake no matter how early it was.  It wasn't like I was feeling sleep deprived.  It was more that it was enough sleep - time to get up even if it is earlier than I would on a normal work day.
It seems again I have a packed weekend.  It's early but will I have enough time?  I have to get in a short run.  I have to take my car in to replace the front driver's side reflector that managed to work itself off and get lost somewhere.  While I wait in the dealership I could read or should I bring my laptop and write?  I even called yesterday to ask if they had wi-fi in their waiting room.  No.  The young receptionist didn't think so.  I didn't really think they did either but I have called places and asked sillier questions.  Maybe when I'm done there I'll go get a real coffee...or just come home to get normal chores started.
I need to till the entire front yard to get some grass growing there again.  The draught and my utter neglect has left it nothing but brown weeds.  Luckily it isn't the massive area we have in the back of the house but it will take some time to get it done and it should be done soon to get all the new grass to root.  I need to pick up some white silk to make the pillow for the ringbearer at Sonny and Selma's wedding.  It will take me no time and I can't see them spending the amount of money they charge for those already pre-made when it will be almost nothing for me to replicate for so little.  I will need to meet Jay to pick paint and stain colors for the shop.  He is doing a re-model of the store.  He is breaking down a wall to make the small retail area larger and flow better.  It will clean and freshen it up.  It's much needed and will help things along with business we are sure.
There is more.  I have an entire grocery list of items that seem to be growing steadily lately.
Maybe that is why I woke so early.  I had enough rest and knew there was plenty to do. The list seems to keep growing and the more I do the more it seems there is to do.  So better to start early.
Who said it wasn't a normal work day?


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