Monday, March 21, 2011

80 days

I am trying to think what significance this day, March 21st, might have.  There it is on my calendar.  It's today.  I can take a quick look to a search.
Okay, is the 80th or (81st on leap years) day on the Gregorian calendar which means there are 285 days left to the year.  If you were born on March 21st you would under the astrological sign of Aries, the Ram, and have a proud and adventuresome nature.
Those are all well and great.  I wouldn't have realized we have covered 80 days into this year of 2011 quite so quickly.  Or was it quickly?  Some days were and others not so much.  Then I guess it can be fun to follow a sign to figure out who you are or what your traits might be but they can only be so accurate.  Aren't the best people you know always growing and making subtle changes? It seems to me that would leave them less likely to constantly fit into the broad definitions given by these symbol related descriptions.  Besides, isn't that based on reading the stars?  Didn't I hear recently that the stars we see now were so far away and took so long for their light to reach us that they are no longer there anyway?  That the ones we see now are gone?  So how do you predict a person today from something that is already lived out it's light?  It doesn't sound right to me.
So besides believing you can figure out who you are by star gazing or having gotten through the first 80 days of this year I am still here at March 21st.
The fact is I am the only one that can make today significant or not.  I can make my own choices about what I want to do with it and how I will go through it.  There will be things today that are necessary for me to do that seem like I don't have choices but those are the ones I can decide how I will let myself feel about them.  I can choose. 
It's March 21st and I think I might decide to use it to make some subtle changes for the positive.
I think that would be best.


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