Sunday, March 20, 2011

Any plans?

I just got back from a neighborhood run.  I'm sweaty and having to towel the edge of the keyboard and my face in order to type.  I need to cool down just a bit before I attempt a quick shower and I have a few things to do today so leave it to me to multi-task any way I can to fit everything in.
I feel like I am starting Beginning Running: 101.  I am having a hard time getting myself going and then I am not having an easy time of it.  It doesn't feel good enough.  I need to take it down a notch and be okay with things as they are right now. 
I am throwing out all my mental notions about what distance I should be going or how fast.  Look, this run was slower than that one, that run was shorter.  I am struggling to stop the mental bombardment of negatives that are currently residing in my brain.  I am tired of hearing them argue back and forth about this notion or that.  They try really hard to make good points about what they are saying.  They can be very convincing at times.  But I have to stop the bickering.  Not yet.  Not now.
I need to concentrate on simply making a routine again.  I need to gear up and get out there.  Simple.  It's not about distance or time or even these killer inclines I'm battling.  It's time for me to just go.  Get dressed, put on my shoes and run.  It doesn't matter one bit how far right now.  Just get it done.  I won't listen to another argument one way or another.  I'm spending too much time figuring it out instead of just doing what needs to be done.
So there.  Right now it's about consistency, nothing more.  At least for now.
At least that is my plan and it's always better to have a plan no matter how small the steps are to begin.
Now I've cooled down enough to take that shower.  I have time to fold some towels and maybe make a short trip to the grocery store.  I might have time to wash the car and even work in the yard.
Oh - and the dusty rose, cropped zippered jacket from yesterday?  I'm returning it.  I didn't like the way the lining is pulling on the sleeves.  They don't fall smoothly and I didn't notice until I tried it on again last night.  So then, I might have to make a trip back out to the boutiques.  I should use the refund for a dress for the wedding anyway.
Ah...there's a plan...more shopping.


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