Monday, March 14, 2011

Home again

I am willing to admit I must have had the best long weekend in a very long while.  It started with me getting out of work a half day early on Friday and heading to my favorite place.  I was greeted by the early morning sunshine the next morning and completed a race I didn't expect to be able to drag myself to the starting line much less run the race.  I had my low moments directly after but when I calculated the benefits they far outweighed anything negative I tried to come up with.  So that was put aside and I continued on.  A shower, a late breakfast and a drive to a near-by refuge took me outdoors again and filled moments with many things to watch besides a clock. 
After the hiking and observing I received another great benefit from the weekend.  I sat down to a really late lunch of oysters on the half shell.  These are sooo the best, especially since they are so fresh.  The place of my choosing gets these morsels straight off the boat that same morning they are served.  I had an entire dozen all by myself and washed them down...
as I took my time.

Jay and I took a brief break at the room and headed out again to be lucky enough to find a live band.  I stayed up way past my bedtime listening to their entire set and drank way too many Landsharks.  Whoosh.  I felt it the next morning. 
I dragged myself up and to the only place there is wifi (and coffee - Mickey D's).  Sunday morning I was bleary but I had yesterday's post written off-line the afternoon before while taking the break in the room.  I managed to find their internet service and publish.  Then my coffee was gone and I thought I was feeling a little better.  I packed myself up, went back to the room (Jay might have had the right idea - he was still sleeping) and I went for a run.  Yes, I did. 
I must say I was dragging a bit the entire day on Sunday.  It's been a long time since I have had a sour stomach as bad as I did that day but it's also been a long time since I've had a hangover, too, so maybe I just couldn't tell the difference.  By 4:00pm and 8 Tums later I was ready for another dozen oysters.  No beer this time, but I felt better after downing the dozen.  We were back in the room early this time.  Jay decided to finally go fishing for a while.  I stayed in and read.  Then lo and behold... 
Jay came rushing in with this drum.  I went out to get ice.  This must be the first time in 20 years he has actually caught a legal-sized fish!  It's been scaled and cleaned and is now 4 good nice sized fillets.  Can we say a better weekend?
It didn't much matter being without internet (I couldn't bring myself to the McDonalds except once) and losing cell phone service Saturday afternoon.  I didn't think about it much.  The weekend was terrific.
Yes - I even managed a short run again this morning with the sun and water to my right heading out and my left coming back.  And now I'm back at home, with everything back in it's place and a fresh look at my things in their normal places.  I could go on and tell you more but I'm not sure what?
That was it and it was all so good.


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