Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gum anyone?

I have been reading a book lent to me about writing.  Again, reading about something I like to do combines things I enjoy and makes it double the fun.  Not too far from the old chewing gum commercial...double the pleasure, double the fun...Okay, so maybe you don't remember that one.
There are some good things about this book, but I don't think I am at the particular place in my life to completely appreciate the exact subject matter it is dealing with.  It is more of a book about writing to heal.  There are some very good ideas in it but I don't think I have had the extreme traumas in my life that it has used as examples.  Or maybe I have and am already healed.  It talks about being able to use the emotion to be true to your writing.  It talks about ways to use whatever you are going through to inspire you and find a true ring to your writing voice.  I can appreciate that but maybe since I feel as if I have experienced these difficult times and come through them;  is it going to be harder for me to be inspired or be able to make things true in my writing?
If I am not in the middle of a crisis, will I not write well?
No so.  I, at one time, many, many moons ago, did an abundance of on-stage, live performing.  I worked at it, committed to it and learned from different shows, situations and experiences.  I progressed to a point where I was comfortable and confident with the performance that was expected of me or I would go back and rehearse that piece.  When it came to performance time I wasn't always up for it.  I wasn't always feeling inspired yet I would go out and give a performance with the same energy I had committed to and rehearsed.  I would go out and play my part without a doubt that the audience wouldn't know there was any difference in me and just see the character as it should have been portrayed.  Capturing that realism and using it again is what makes a good actor...and a good writer.
I don't think I have to be living through continual crisis in order to capture inspiration.  I would certainly hope not.  I don't think so.  I just need to rely on my discipline and experience and committment.  What I have learned about writing is that it is a craft, just like acting.  You aren't as good at the beginning as you are when you stick with it, do it, learn about it, and start gaining some confidence with it.  It IS about being true to the emotions and inspiration but also committing to the work portion of it and to expend the extra time on the places where you need the extra work.
I am using a lot of "you" but I mean me.  I.  This is what is working for me while I read about writing - while I write about reading.
So when I combine things I enjoy doing  - it always seems to give me a bit of inspiration and it doubles the pleasure and doubles the fun.
Odd, but I think I am getting a craving for some Doublemint.


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