Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Going through my e-mails this morning I was informed that coffee makers are on sale for St. Patricks Day.  I can order spring lilies for $19.99 and there is a nighttime race in Las Vegas.  I found out someone lost 50 pounds and I could too (no, I could not.. then I would weigh what? 65 lbs?) and that my tarot card today is the King of Swords. 
It is definitely the middle of the week while I anticipate time off.  Things are going on smoothly, routinely on the surface, but underneath is the growing anticipation of what is to come.  It's that glazing over the everyday e-mails just to spend the time while holding the real excitement at bay for a few more days.
I am heading out to my personal paradise and am looking sorely forward to it.  This will be my break from the everyday e-mails about coffee makers and inexpensive boxed flowers.  It's the break from office routines and daily chores.  It is the brief respite from all things everyday and regular.  It is comfortable since I am familiar with it and comforting.
It's away.  But I know it well.  Once I am there, there is nothing to do except everything I want.  It is that best place where I enjoy doing the least.  It turns out giving me so much more for so little.
So a few more e-mails, a little more time, and then.


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