Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beware the dark side

I wrote up a short piece of fiction that left me down and even a little sad.  I knew going into it that it was a piece that needed a negative feel.  I knew it needed to be sullen and to even have a dejected tone.  I wrote it up and thought I had done a fairly good job by the time I was finished.  I thought I had captured the correct essence and it had the elements I was going for when I started out. 
I wasn't expecting to have an aftermath of such a low once I was done.  It wasn't because I thought I had written it badly.  It might have been due to my submerging myself into the dejection of the piece.
I'm not saying I can credit it all to my writing.  I don't know that I felt sad and down because of what I had written.  It might have been I was just tired.  It might be the series of books I am finishing up that has gotten terribly dark.  It probably just caught me at the wrong time.  I can't even be sure it was the piece I wrote that dragged me down into that dungeon of gloom I felt afterward.  I only knew it was after I completed working on that particular piece that I came away mildly depressed.
I haven't gone back to re-read the piece yet.  I am letting it rest and I will look at it again after a time to give it some fresh eyes and a clear view.  I will see what I think about it then.  I'll give it some time.
I am not feeling down or sad now.  It didn't linger with me or follow me continuously.  It's gone already.  I just thought it curious that it might have had any affect on me at all.  If it did.  And it wasn't the manifestation of a tired mind reading a dark book.  After writing a dark piece.  Hmmm.
You see.  It still has me a little puzzled.  But it sort of makes sense, like having a stomach ache after overeating all the cotton candy, peanuts and ice cream at a fair.
Or maybe I just read way too much or have watched to many sci-fi movies in the past.
Who knows?  I'm going to let that piece rest a little longer just to be on the safe side.


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