Friday, March 11, 2011

I really don't have a moment

I don't and may never fully understand why I will become inevitably, extremely, over-the-top busy when I am planning to take days off.  I can have everything up-to-date, in it's place, ready-to go days before my plan to take-off but once it is within that last day or even last few hours of me preparing to leave that I will have a sudden surge of mountains of work stacked high and everywhere on my desk.
It was certainly true yesterday.  I spent the entire morning reconciling multiple expense reports.  It took me hours.  Actually it took me most of the day while I worked on things that also popped up which turned into distractions since the expense reports were not the easy mindless bits of work which is usually how I think of them since I do them so automatically.  Usually.  Not these.
I spent most of the time converting rupees into dollars.  I was figuring dates of exchanges and balancing columns of numbers.  It wasn't easy since I don't have a keypad on my laptop and I didn't think to bring my nifty USB portable one from home! That alone could have saved me so much time!
Of course, I had the added pressure of realizing how much time it was taking me and how I wanted to send this one e-mail but not yet, and then the instant message that caught me in the middle of addition...where was I?  I'm going to have to start that column over..."Do you have a moment?"  "sure" (now I do...have to start over anyway)..."Oh, nevermind, I got my info."  what!  yeah, thanks. ba-bye, talk to you soon.  Back to the numbers.   
And so it went.  And so it goes.  If I can survive the last bit of a clarification on one last report I might have that last remaining uncompleted one finished and out of the way.  Hopefully, there won't be any earth shattering new work appearing on my desk this morning and I will initiate my escape as previously planned.
Breath deep, stay cool, almost there.


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