Tuesday, March 29, 2011

There are consequences

Day two and I have two early morning runs done.  It's nothing to write home about but like I said, it's a start.  Of course, this afternoon I was beginning to ponder what I was going to do tomorrow morning.  I heard it was supposed to be cooler and chances of rain.  That would normally stop me in my tracks.  But then it was cooler the first morning.  What was it? 55 degrees?  This morning it was 64...much better.  Is that why I am thinking about it?  So I might use it as an excuse to bail?
Then I thought it might be better to just have a contingent plan in case I don't make it out to run early tomorrow.  Or would having another plan give me the excuse to not stick to the one I already have in place.  The one where I get up my regular (very early, incredibly dark time), run instead of write with the writing done later...like now.  Like I've done successfully the past two days.
Did you know how mental this physical activity can be?  I can sure make it that way when I want to, can't I?  Anyone else would say, run, don't run...what the! 
So my contingent plan is that if...IF...for no good reason, I don't get my tired a$$ out early to run tomorrow I will pack my gym bag and have to do it during lunch...on the dreadmill.  (OH, NO! Horrors!)  (I didn't spell it wrong, either).
Wow.  Isn't there a law against cruel and unusual punishment?  Especially to yourself!
I get to ponder that overnight, now don't I?  It's all about choices.


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