Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

Fat Tuesday is what happens after a long weekend of eating and snacking and not necessarily because you are hungry.  It is days strung together to grab and stuff things into your mouth because you are bored or idle or in front of a television with nothing else to do or choosing to do nothing else.  It is usually the result of continuing this behavior during this string of days until you finally get on your bathroom scale.  It is when you need to clean your glasses because the digital number you see being displayed couldn't possibly be accurate.  It has to be the blurred smear across your lenses and not the real accountability of your own actions.  That is a Fat Tuesday.
It is not to be confused with the better known, once a year Fat Tuesday celebrated, yes, by overindulging.  No...this Fat Tuesday can strike any given week, at any given time when the triggers to eat are high.  I can't tell you what exactly those triggers are.  I know there are many current shows that document this and could probably give you a multitude of different reasons why this happens.  I know because I have watched a few while snacking on ice cream.  Doesn't everyone?  Didn't I hear that was how someone actually made it on the show?  Maybe not.
Today is my Fat Tuesday.  My weigh-in was not good.  If I was on one of those shows I would be voted off and have to leave shamed and overweight.  I probably shouldn't celebrate the real Fat Tuesday with too much overindulgence.  The lenses on my glasses are clean and I can see clearly the error of my ways.  The frivilous snacking needs to be curtailed and maybe taking a look at the next 40 days or so to gain some temperance would be good. 
Oh, and I should probably stop watching those shows as an excuse to eat ice cream.


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