Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ions and molecules

I am stumped this morning about which way to go with any ideas I might have.  On the one hand, if I could call the past two days wicked, than that is what I seemed to have been doled out.  I might describe it as two wicked days.  Mean, ugly, upsetting, stomach twisting wicked days.  That hasn't been a problem in a long time but there they were.  I guess I had to have my token bad days amist all the good so I can appreciate it all.  But they seem to be in the past now.  I believe by late yesterday afternoon I managed to clear the air, chase away the negative ions and breath back in the smile molecules.
That is where I am this morning.  I am smiling in those supercharged positive molecules.
Go ahead.  Just try to throw another wicked day at me and I know, right now, without a doubt, it will repell right off of me.  It will clammer to the ground and raise a ruckus as it wobbles to the side blasted away from the eletrical charge of positive ions.
You see, I have better things to do.  I have better things to think about.  And it's not just me trying to put a positive spin on things.  I really do have that.  If I wanted to be cliché I would quote an old song lyric to say everything is coming up roses.  And maybe they really are since Jay actually got me some.  Roses.  Yellow.
So whether it's about molecules or roses - now things seems to be moving toward the positive.
Breath deep and smile it all in.


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