Thursday, March 17, 2011

Moving again

I believe I have finally turned a corner.
Depending on what I am applying this statement to, it could mean different things. The best part about the statement is that it will usually mean something good. The idea of turning a corner first of all means I am moving. I am not sitting idle and I have made a conscience decision to take a different path and try a new direction.
I like those. New directions, different paths. I never know where it will take me but if I keep my senses alert I can find something I never would have found if I didn't try. It could also lead to nowhere but where was I when I started? The likelihood that it will be worth the time to journey ahead is greater than staying on the same worn path. The slightest change in direction gives me a new perspective and better ideas for things to come. It will make me take a closer look at what is around me so I make more conscience decisions about where I am going. It is me getting there instead of me waiting for it to happen.
It's time to beat a new path. I have to. I want to.  I finally turned a corner.


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