Thursday, March 3, 2011

I wonder

I was using my nav-bar again up at the top to see what the next blog was.  It takes me to random blogs...that might possibly have some type of similar link to mine.  I'm not sure the backstage workings of how they determine the similarities, what keywords might be linked or how randomly this works but I do it every now and again, just out of curiosity. 
This morning it took me to one that had a post about someone that wrote about a situation that might shift things in not only her life but also in someone else's.  It didn't sound like it was going to be in a good way.  She had nine comments afterward giving her support or demanding to know what exactly was going on since she didn't really give out details of the exact situation she was in.  It was a good post.  It was her last post.
Then I saw the date of the post which was October 16, 2009.  Then I saw her header which had a simple one line description of her blog.  It said, "The year I will make it happen."
What an idea for a story.
Was the situation she described in her last post the something she was trying to make happen gone wrong?  Did the situation pull her away from the thing(s) she was hoping to make happen?  Did it lead her in another direction that gave her something she was needing to learn in order to finally make "it" happen?  Did she realize the thing she was trying to make happen wasn't of the same importance she once thought it might have been and found something much more valuable?  Did posting about the situation, even without details, make the matter better or worse for her and the other person involved?
I wonder...I could go on.
Are you curious now if you might not have been so before?  I might be.  But I call dibs.  Although, any of your curiosities are also welcome.  Does it make you wonder?


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