Sunday, January 30, 2011

Not all that painful

I'm having a painful morning.  There isn't any reason for it except for myself.  The weather is near perfect.  I was thinking I would actually go out and run this early morning, outside, along my well worn routes in my neighborhood.  The temperature right now is 61 degrees.  But it's wet and possibly drizzling.  So I'm reconsidering.
I think it will clear so I'm thinking I should make an early grocery store trip instead and run later.  I have a partial list together but I know I'll need to go out again since the boys and Selma are coming over this afternoon.  I don't know exactly what we are cooking so if I go now I will end up going again.
I should be getting the next chapters on my book organized but then I did a disk scan on my laptop and that held me up and then I really should go downstairs to balance out the week for Jay's business.
So I am making it painful by piling on the things I should, would, or could do and not just taking it easy and appreciating that I have all day and some things will get done and others might get done also or not.
Saying it's painful is a tad dramatic.  I should look for a different word but then maybe I should just put on my running shoes and have a quick turn-around the block.
A little drizzle never melted a runner that I know of.
So I DID go out and ran a quick turn-around the block.  It won't show on my running site since my sensor decided to stop counting miles after the first one.  I don't know what happened to it except maybe it just forgot what it was supposed to do after all my inactivity last week.  I know I did a little over three miles, outside, pushing through heavy fog, wet roads, and inclines. 
It was and is a turn-around for me.  After more than a month on the dreaded treadmill I am outside again.  I realize there may be days I go back to the gym but this early morning push got me started again and is what I needed.  I took the actual step in the right direction whether it shows on my site or not.
Now on to the chapter organizing.  I believe I have about 35 minutes to work on it right now.  I should set my timer and take another actual step.


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