Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Once upon a time there was a...
No wait.  That was yesterday right?  I don't think I have time this early morning before work to get an entire fairy tale conceived, written and edited.  I might try writing a fairy tale some time.  It might be a good exercise.  I mean, it already has some sort of formula so the outline is already written but no.  Not today or even soon, maybe.  I'll put it into that folder of ideas I'm supposed to be keeping somewhere for a later date.
Today, I am working through the first week back to everyday routines.  It's mid-way through and if I am fair about it I would have to say I am doing well.
I have kept focused on the amount of work and even kept my cool when the overload started pouring in.  Although I haven't put in many running miles this week I have put in some and it's only mid-week so I need to focus on doing a few more.  I have made some progress with my writing even if it isn't visual to anyone.  I have tightened up some ideas that seemed loose to me before and I am at the point to begin again.
I have positives to work from and will keep at it.
So once upon a time there was an ordinary woman that was mid-week into what had always been a total drudge of a routine.  She was overworked and given assignments that were seemingly impossible to accomplish.  Not only did she have to deal with these assignments but was interrupted continually with minor issues that took up extra time and distracted her from her priorities.  She could easily be dragged into the negativity that seemed to surround her. 
She wished for the time she could leave this place and find her favorite escape.  She longed for a run with the weather bright and warm.  She hadn't been consistent and had been lacking in even getting herself to do this simple pleasure for herself.  She would think of how many times she had talked herself out of going and now she had less than a few short miles to show for the week.  She started to reprimand herself about that fact that she should have used the time not running to at least write some words.  It was something she told herself she was determined to do and yet even with extra time borrowed from another activity she hadn't taken advantage of it.  Poor, miserable ordinary woman...
It could have gone like that it hasn't, not for a moment.  I hadn't even thought about it like that. 
Careful, fairy tales can be grim.


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