Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rainy day

I managed to start out the day getting a lot of things accomplished.  I got up and had coffee.  I was able to work through my entire chapter one and was feeling very excited.  About the time I finished that I decided it was a little past the time I had planned to head to the gym so I shut down and headed out.  I was able to get in a run and came home to shower and throw a load of clothes into the washer.  I got breakfast cooked up and afterward got the dishes all cleaned.  I pulled out the book I was reading and finished it.
Going back over the morning it seems like a lot of things to get done before noon.  But somehow I got stuck there for a while.  Maybe it was too many things too quickly because I started to slow way down.
I think the continuing rain from yesterday into today might be playing a part in that.  It's one of those afternoons where it's so much nicer to just hang around the house and know I still have another free day tomorrow.
So since I still have part of the afternoon and this evening I believe I will be venturing into the work I need to start on my chapter two.  I'm grinning as I think about starting it. 
But that's all I'm saying on it for now.  This is my year to commit to the work, so I think now would be a good time to keep at it.


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