Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Big talk

I am currently shaking my fist at Winter.  It is trying hard, really hard, to get to me.  I am doing my best to plow through and forge ahead.  I knew this week was going to be a tough one.  I believe the worst will be tomorrow but I am moving through it.  I am picking myself up and going on.
I have had five consecutive workout days.  I have had a total of 25 miles in those five days.  I was supposed to take today off but braved the blustery cold and made it to the gym just the same.  Oh no, don't be foolish.  There is no way I would be able to even attempt to run outdoors.  No way.  I would melt like the wicked witch of the west.  I would be a trembling, chattering, jittering mass of flesh.  So I am doing what I can and even that isn't as easy as it may sound.
During this time of year there is nothing more I want to do than stay at home.  I obviously can't stay at home when I need to make an appearance at work but otherwise I go directly home, do not pass go, do not collect $200.  And yet I have made five, count them, five consecutive workout days.  It is a very brave thing I am doing here.  No one should have to wander out in these conditions but I have been doing it.
So I shake my clenched fist at you, Winter!  You haven't been able to catch me yet.


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