Thursday, January 27, 2011

Trading e-mails

I am currently traded e-mails with nike+.  I received this notification in my inbox and my running site stating; "Your "RETO INICIAL" challenge ends in 7 days on 2/2/2011".
Huh?  I wasn't confused by getting a reminder about a challenge coming to an end.  I've had those many times before.  I also get notifications when a challenge is about to start.  The difference is that it is always on challenges I have actually joined.
I have no clue about this particular challenge.  How did I get linked up to get a notification about a challenge I know nothing about?  I never joined or even saw this challenge before.  This doesn't belong to me and yet it came to my inbox and it's on my nike+ site.
So I sent a note to their customer support saying, Huh?  Well, not that exact word.  That might have made me sound like a runner that had just face planted themself (which I have almost done and that was pretty much what I said).  No, so I sent a note saying, Huh?, I explained I got a notification that didn't belong to me and they sent a very nice note back asking me for more info.
I gave them the info just this morning so I will have to wait and see if they have any resolution to this mystery.
And I had just cleared out my site of all extraneous nonsense.  I cleared it out and got it all nice and neat and cleaned up.  It was all organized and orderly.  Then I immediately stopped running.  Haven't had a run since.  It almost sounds like I'm proud of it but I'm not.  Really I'm not.  But it's the truth and I don't even have a good excuse.  I could reel off a bunch of really piss-poor ones 'cuz that's all I've got.
I guess I could add one more...I'm currently trading e-mails with nike about my site.  Yeah, pretty piss-poor, I know.


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