Friday, January 7, 2011

Free Friday

I just need a moment here.  Just as I powered up my laptop I realized it's Free Friday so had to run downstairs to gather up my Nook.  You might not know about Free Friday but I discovered an icon on my device called The Daily.  Now this is where they will post updates to the device but I discovered early on that they will also present a book to download for free or sometimes for a nominal amount, say $1.99, on Fridays.  I have downloaded 7 freebies so far.  They usually offer me detective novels since I read a score of those.  Their marketing department must think it is working well since I discovered Dennis Lehane from a Free Friday download.  I've since bought four additional of his novels and will probably purchase the next one in the series soon.
So here...let me's not only Free Friday but it says:  Extra Special Free Fridays Bonus.  Give me a moment to see what that is about.
Oh...not such an extra special bonus for me.  It seems today they are offering Kaplan Publishing books which are 130 textbooks and PSAT, SAT, GMAT prep books for free.  Ah well, I am in the middle of another novel right now anyway and still have last Fridays free book still waiting for me.  It's the first in the series of another detective novel, this one by the name of Kendall O'Dell, written by Sylvia Nobel.  Nope.  Never read any of her books before but then I'll give most anything a try and it was free.  Almost like a friend leaving me a book on my desk to read.  Well, not quite.  I can't get together and talk about it when I return it, since I don't return it to anyone and it stays in my library until I archive it.  But it's a great way to find new books.  I don't download all that are free but I have read some authors I might not have picked up on my own.  And well, so, I didn't luck out this Friday but no matter. 
This device is just the coolest. 


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