Friday, January 21, 2011

10 left

I was sitting alone during lunch in the café.  I had finished my lunch and pushed the tray away to comfortably sit and read.  I had already pulled out my Nook and was engrossed in the last portion of the book I was reading.  I knew the night before I was coming to the end of the book and I might have been reading faster than usual given the solitude and quiet around me.
And then it ended.  I finished the book.  I had thought there were more pages since the indicator displayed 302 pages and I was only on page 291.  I looked up at the clock and I still had 10 minutes left for lunch.
I had been counting on those additional pages to fill the 10 minutes.  Now what?  I certainly didn't want to go back to my desk early.  Why?  Work can wait the 10 minutes that are mine.  It will still be there, it always is.  So now what?
I knew I should have downloaded two books instead of the one I was reading.  There were more than a few in my wish list that would have been easy enough to have already in my library and waiting.  I couldn't do it now since I was without my wi-fi.  Oh, bother.
So I started turning pages on the finished book.  What was on the additional pages from 291 - 302?  It turned out to be an interview with the author.  Interesting.  Questions about writing the book.
It turned out to be a good use of 10 minutes.  The author when asked about her writing process admitted it probably looked crazy from the outside.  Her answer was everywhere about how now she writes in the afternoon, but sometimes in the morning or evening.  A backstory would seem easier to write since it is something that already happened instead of writing in the present when things might take a different turn and how often she didn't feel like writing.
They way she answered the questions led me back to reinforce the index card I made for myself that is beside my laptop.  I am always feeling a little crazy and thinking my process is questionable.  What I wrote to myself on that always visible index card was...It's okay.  I make my own rules!
When it comes to writing I am realizing that it isn't about following the rules.  There are so many other things that need to be paid attention to. 
Like I said, it turned out to be a good use of 10 minutes.


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