Saturday, January 22, 2011

Stat time

It's running stat time!  Aren't you thrilled?  Geez, gosh darn, look down, shake your head, stomp your foot, isn't that just plain exciting!  Yeah, I am really sure.  Just what you were hoping to hear.
I went through and checked my running site and knew I needed to spend some time checking what was happening there so I could clean it out.  It was taking on the packed, cluttered look of a closet full of clothes I'll never wear again.  Time to pull things out to separate what needs to go and what will serve me best to keep.
I realized I had 5 notifications on my running site.  That's a lot of notifications for a site that isn't a social network.  Oh, yeah - I also got an e-mail from my social network saying it had been an excessively long time since I logged in and I should check it out.  Pffftt!  Why?  I hit delete.
The first of my 5 running notifications was from nike+.  It was telling me I hit over 700 miles since I started using my sensor 3/11/10.  Wow...that's a nice one.  That's the kind of notification I don't mind getting.  Two other notifications were friend invites and two others were invitations to join two other challenges.  I've kept all five notifications sitting there, in my closet so to speak, as if I wasn't sure what to do with them.  I needed time to decide.  Waiting proved the right thing for me to do because now I have gone in and cleaned it out.
I had to remind myself why I found this site so beneficial.  It is an easy way for me to track my running progress.  It is a simple way to have a running log that will store my runs, miles, time, calories in a way I can go back and filter into days, weeks, months, years.  Being able to see my progress helps motivate me.  But somehow I had accumluated too much extra stuff on my site.  I don't need to see stats from running strangers or be invited to challenges.  I needed to clean out and pair down so I can use the tools from the site to my best benefit and not have all the clutter and distraction.
I dismissed all the invites.  I withdrew from all challenges that I didn't care to participate in.  I removed all friends except people I really know (like Selma).  I did stay in the challenges that were individual and had a goal at the end, like the month of January challenge to run so many miles.  Currently I am sandwiched between VCrusier1 and RunningClaire.  I don't know them.  I don't know how many miles they average except that they are both in the blue color level like me.  They are nothing more than runners I will pass or who will pass me as we progress through this virtual challenge though the end of the month.  There, I feel better now.
So now, here are the stats as of this morning:
709.81 miles since 3/11/10
648.97 miles in 2010
60.84 miles in January 2011 (so far)
6.43 miles left in a goal I set (ends today)!
2 challenges
0 notifications
Oh...and I have 269.99 miles on my current running shoes.  Drat!  Too soon to buy a new pair.  Ah!  but some new workout clothes would be in order.  I mean, really.  I have all this extra room in my closet now.


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